Monday, March 5, 2018

Interview with novelist Marilee Brothers

Novelist Marilee Brothers joins me today and we’re talking about her new romantic suspense (with a touch of fantasy), Hope and Honor.

During her virtual book tour, Marilee will be awarding a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble (winner’s choice) gift card to a lucky randomly drawn winner. To be entered for a chance to win, use the form below. To increase your chances of winning, feel free to visit her other tour stops and enter there, too!

Marilee Brothers is a former teacher, coach, counselor and the author of ten books. Marilee and her husband are the parents of three grown sons and live in central Washington State. After writing six young adult books, Marilee is once again writing romantic suspense for the adult market. She loves hearing from people who have read her books. Feel free to contact her through her website and sign up for her newsletter, The Obsessive Page Turner.

Visit her author page on Facebook and she occasionally tweets @MarileeB. Check out Marilee’s Amazon page.

Marilee’s blog is Book Blather, where she features aspiring and published authors as well as some tidbits of her own.

Please share a little bit about your current release.
Hope and Honor is book three in the Soul Seeker series. This book and the first two, Affliction and Allegiance, follow the adventures of Honor Melanie Sullivan (Mel) who leaves her home in southern California and travels to central Oregon to begin a new life. Mel has a unique ability, She can look into a person’s soul and see what makes them tick. She can detect lies. She can see good and evil. Sometimes what she sees scares her. At first, she considers it an affliction, but eventually realizes she has a gift. All of the books include romance and multiple mysteries. Although Hope and Honor can be read as a standalone, the characters introduced in the earlier books play important roles in Hope and Honor.

What inspired you to write this book?
I intended the Soul Seeker series to be three books. Because Mel is a twin, in book three, I wanted to pursue a twin theme as well as tie up the romantic angle with a happily ever after ending. I also had an idea for two plot lines that coincide at the book’s end. All in all, I’m happy with Mel’s story.

Excerpt from Hope and Honor:
I strike a pose, one hand on my hip, and flutter my eyelashes. Not a natural flirt, this seems silly to me. I lick my lips. “Why, hello there, handsome. You’re drinking Grey Goose vodka and you look like someone I knew a very long time ago, but slightly different.  Is it possible we’ve met before?”
His hand snakes out and grabs my wrist. He kisses the back of my hand. I hold back a snicker.
“My maylsh,” he says in a sexy growl. “I didn’t fool you after all?”
Mick is Russian born. In the past, we’ve gone through a number of Slavic endearments. Most of them reference pussycat or kitten. After my strong objection, we settled on maylsh, the Russian term for baby. It’s not all that great, but it’s better than pussycat. In my humble opinion, it’s not worth fighting over.
He scoots his chair back and pulls me onto his lap. I lift his cap to check out his hair. It’s pale blond and growing out from the spikey do.
He says, “Is it true blonds have more fun?”
“You get to decide.”
He leans and whispers, “Believe me, I will.”
Heat spirals through my body, settling deep into my belly. I want to grab him by the hand and drag him out to my car. Have my way with him. Until I see Mick, I don’t realize how much I’ve missed him. But, this is not the time or place. I push away and stand.
“Are you going to introduce me to your friends?”
I suspect they are fellow officers. Not that he’ll tell me.
Instead, he says, “This is Mel.”
He points at the men and identifies each one by first name only. Now I know for sure they’re his work buddies.
I say, “See you around, guys. Enjoy your evening.”
Mick looks a little panicked. “Hey, wait. I’ll see you later. In Number Ten. Right?”
Now, it’s my turn for payback and I love it.
“Wrong.” I walk away.
“At least leave bread crumbs.”
I hear a hint of desperation in his voice and return to the table. “You’re Homeland Security. Remember, you have no rules. I’m sure you’ll figure it out, big guy. Bye, bye.”
His buddies burst into laughter as I sashay away.

What exciting story are you working on next?
I’ve just begun work on a golf course mystery where a man is found dead on a hole called A Woman Scorned. Why the name? Each and every hole on the Fairway to Heaven golf course has a name. A Woman scorned (also the title of the book) is thusly named because it has no ladies’ tee box. It’s also possible there may be another meaning. Stay tuned.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
When I sold my first book in 2008.

Do you write full-time? If so, what's your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I am a retired teacher and school counselor and now write full time. I’m a little bit lazy and it usually takes me nine months to write a book. I always compare it to pregnancy, only in my case, I have a new book instead of a baby. I’ve managed to write ten books in ten years. I enjoy travel, playing golf and spending time with family and friends.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I have to fight the tendency to edit myself as I write. When I discover I’m staring at one sentence for 30 minutes, trying to make it perfect, I have to whack myself upside the head and say, “Stop it!”

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Strangely, I wanted to be a farmer. I love animals and had no idea cows and pigs eventually had to be butchered. So, that didn’t work out.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
I hope readers will check out books one and two in the Soul Seeker series. I’ve also written six young adult books, a five-book series titled Unbidden Magic and a standalone book, Baby Gone Bye. In addition, my first book, The Curse of the Rose, is a medieval romance. The Rock and Roll Queen of Bedlam is romantic suspense and features a young teacher of behavior-disordered teens. One of her students goes missing and she joins forces with a sexy DEA agent.


Thank you for being a guest on my blog!

Thank you, Lisa, for hosting me!

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Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thanks for hosting!

Unknown said...

I enjoyed getting to know your book; congrats on the tour and I hope it is a fun one for you :)

Marilee Brothers said...

Thanks so much for hosting me, Lisa. I would love to hear from your followers if they have a chance to check out my books. I always answer every comment I receive.

Rita Wray said...

I liked the excerpt.

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Great post!

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