The Writer's Chatroom presents mystery author Sandra Tooley/Lee Driver.
You can read an interview with Sandy here on Reviews and Interviews.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
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Sunday, July 31, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Interview with author Chloe JonPaul
Author Chloe JonPaul joins Reviews and Interviews today. She's here to talk about her writing and her book, This Business of Children
Welcome to Reviews and Interviews, Chloe. Please tell us about your current release, This Business of Children
Vera Harriss, Deidre Fletcher, Mark Pettingill, and Stu Martel are elementary school teachers in the fictional town of Blevins, Maine whose secret, private lives change dramatically as you read.
Vera, who is about to retire, vents her anger during a Board of Education meeting with a speech that brings the audience to its feet. Why does Deidre, an exceptional teacher, leave the job she loves to become a corporate trainer down South? Then there is Mark, the perennial job hunter looking for a corporate position with more prestige and pay but then turns down the perfect offer when it finally comes through. Stu, one of the most popular teachers in the school, struggles with a deep, dark secret that he can only share with Deidre. What causes Stu’s untimely death?
Vera Harriss, Dee Fletcher, Mark Pettingill, and Stu Martel are eager to share their intriguing secrets and entangled lives with you.
What inspired you to write this book?
I took a leave of absence for a year back in 1991 because I had had a very stressful year in the school district where I was teaching. I needed some time to regroup and think about my options. I went back to Maine where I had experienced the best teaching in my entire career and stayed with a friend. Without really planning to write a novel, I began to write and found myself creating these 4 characters almost effortlessly. At first, I thought it would be therapeutic for me but I soon realized that I wanted the world to know what teachers go through in the course of an academic year.
What exciting story are you working on next?
Actually, I don’t have anything in the works at the moment because I have 2 other manuscripts waiting on the back burner and I’m exploring the possibility of having this novel turned into a screen play.
When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I loved to write even as a child and I’ve been writing most of my adult life. Years ago I wrote occasional articles for newspapers and magazines but I didn’t start writing seriously until 2001. Now I have 3 published books.
Do you write full-time? If so, what's your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
No, I don’t write full-time but I do maintain a schedule and fortunately, I happen to be highly organized. When I’m on a writing schedule, I allow 3-5 hours for this. Self-discipline and consistency are indispensible if you are serious about your craft.
My life is rich and full with other activities and I seem to be able to make time for everything I want to do.
What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I don’t think I have any quirk to talk about unless you consider the fact that I actually trashed this novel. The friend I was staying with retrieved it telling me, “You are NOT throwing this away!” I took it back, shelved it, and went on to write 2 non-fiction books – nearly forgetting about it until I realized that everything I was reading in the news about teachers this past year and a half was in my book!
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I’m sure that this will make you smile but I actually wanted to be a nun. It seems that god had other plans for me but today I am a Third Order Carmelite.
Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
I invite your readers to visit my web site where they can take advantage of some freebies and enjoy reading portions of all three of my books.
Thank you for being here today, Chloe, and introducing yourself and your writing to us.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Interview with mystery author Jackie King
Please extend a Reviews and Interviews welcome to mystery author Jackie King. She's here to talk about her writing and her newest release, The Inconvenient Corpse
Jackie King loves books, words, and writing tall tales. She especially enjoys murdering the people she dislikes on paper. King is a full time writer who sometimes teaches writing at Tulsa Community College. Her latest novel, The Inconvenient Corpse
Jackie, please tell us about your current release.
The Inconvenient Corpse tells the story of Grace Cassidy who finds herself abandoned by her husband and stranded in a bed-and-breakfast on the northern California coast. After a lifetime of affluence, she’s not only penniless and friendless, she’s also stuck with a naked corpse in her bed. She becomes the prime suspect, but with the help of some zany strangers she finds a job and solves the murder.
What inspired you to write this book?
Like most writers, stories constantly pop into my mind. Some seem to come from nowhere, but often these stories seem to be prompted by what whatever I’m doing at the moment. This was the case when I was vacationing at a Bed and Breakfast in northern California. Unexpected questions suddenly sprang to mind: What if I had found a dead body in my bed? And, what if he were naked? And what if his clothes couldn’t be found anywhere? Oh, I’ll make it worse! What if I were stranded in this strange town with no friends, no money, and no job skills? Could I survive using my own determination, brains, and moxie?
These were the questions that started me plotting The Inconvenient Corpse. I felt impelled to write the novel to learn the answers. Later, I added a teenaged son, my own experience as a woman who unexpectedly finds herself single, and a rescued cat--all to make Grace’s life even more complicated. And, because I love a touch of romance, I added a jaded police sergeant who was about Grace’s age.
The Inconvenient Corpse begins with the following sentence, then I built the whole book around these words:
“Grace Cassidy stared at the stranger’s body. He was about sixty, pot-bellied, naked, and very dead. She knew he was dead because his skin was the color of concrete. Worst of all, he was lying smack dab in the middle of her bed.”
What exciting story are you working on next?
My current WIP has the working title of Skeleton in the Closet. The story begins about five months after The Inconvenient Corpse ends. My protagonist, Grace Cassidy faces continuing complications in her personal life: developing the new career of inn-sitting, trying to save enough money to pay for a divorce, and the fear that her 19-year-old son, Brand, is about to ruin his life. Then of course, someone is murdered and circumstances compel her to try and solve the mystery.
When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I enrolled in a writing class at our local community college and was fortunate enough to have Peggy Fielding for a teacher. She insisted that if I wrote, then I was a writer. It took me awhile to get this down into the marrow of my bones, but after I sold my first short story to a national publisher my head started to believe what my lips had already spoken.
Do you write full-time? If so, what's your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I do write full time, and am currently living my dream life! I have three things that I must do each day: pray and meditate, write, and walk on my treadmill. The order in which I do these things changes from day to day, since I’m a bit haphazard. Sometimes I split my writing into different stretches of time. I might write a bit when I first get up, then have breakfast, and then go back to writing. As long as I do all three things each day, all is well.
What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
My ability to write in the middle of a horrible mess! I keep most of my house reasonably decent, but my office looks as if someone threw a bomb through the door. Although this is somewhat embarrassing when I need a tech in to check my computer, the clutter does nothing to distract me from my writing.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Oddly enough, my mother decided I should be a writer when I was very young. Perhaps because she saw that I lived in an imaginary world of my own making, much of the time. Of course, when I was 13 I wanted to be a movie star. (I expect all 13-year-olds want this.) But by the time I went to college at 16, I was back to wanting to become a writer and studied journalism at The University of Oklahoma.
Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
I’d like to thank each person for dropping by to read the blog and to invite them to “friend” me on facebook, where I’m listed as Jacqueline King.
Also, please check out my website, and my blog Cozy Mysteries and Other Madness.
Last of all, I’d like to give each person a big cyber-hug and wish them happy reading.
Here are a few reviews and what other people are saying about The Inconvenient Corpse:
“A naked corpse in her bed is only the first surprise for our heroine in Jackie King’s charming bed-and-breakfast mystery. Cozy readers will be happy guests among these lively characters.”
--Marcia Preston, winner of the 2004 Mary Higgins Clark Award
If you like bed and breakfast settings, friendly cats, delightful, quirky characters and a little tea thrown in with your murder, you’ll love The Inconvenient Corpse.
--Bob Avey, Author of Beneath a Buried House and Twisted Perception
Jackie, thank you for stopping by and chatting with us for a bit. Write on!
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Interview with mystery author Sandra Tooley, aka Lee Driver
Today is a chat with mystery author Sandra Tooley (aka Lee Driver) as she talks a bit about herself and her newest Chase Dagger series release (written as Lee Driver), Fatal Storm.
Mystery author Sandra Tooley is the creator of the Sam Casey Series and the Chase Dagger Series (written as Lee Driver). She has held a number of interesting and diverse jobs such as secretary at a leading printing company, car salesman, sales assistant, assistant to the president of a franchise consulting firm, and seminar coordinator. Her most enjoyable job was the six years she spent as a casino dealer.
The author is particularly fond of the unusual and has carried her interests in the unknown to her writing. Her Sam Casey Series features a Native American detective with the unique ability to hear the dead speak, mixing mystery with paranormal. (Think Medium with a Native American twist.) Her Chase Dagger Series (written as Lee Driver) includes a young Native American woman who is a shapeshifter, combining mystery with fantasy, sometimes sci-fi or horror. Critics call it MacGuyver meets Dark Angel. Her cross-genre mysteries have won a number of awards over the years and been reproduced in large print, audiobook, mass market paperback, and eBook. Harlequin bought the paperback rights to Restless Spirit
Her titles have received favorable reviews in Booklist, Library Journal, Publishers Weekly, and Midwest Book Review.
Welcome, Sandra. Please tell us a bit about Fatal Storm.
This is the 5th in my Chase Dagger series. The Indiana Paranormal Investigators are spending a night in a gothic mansion on the outskirts of Cedar Point, Indiana. Four people are participating...only three remain in the morning. There have been other disappearances and homicides in the past connected with the mansion. And the one common denominator has been the weather. Fatal Storm
What inspired you to write this book?
I am a fan of the TV series Ghost Hunters and thought it would make a great theme for the next book in the series. I have always been intrigued with haunted houses. Two of my favorite movies are The Uninvited starring Ray Milland and The Changling with George C. Scott. Plots that challenge believeability have always appealed to me. I guess this comes from my love of Twilight Zone, One Step Beyond, and X-Files.
What exciting story are you working on next?
I alternate my series. One year Sam Casey. The next year Chase Dagger. I am currently working on Destiny Kills, the 6th book in my Sam Casey series (written as S.D. Tooley).
When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I have friends who started writing poetry at the age of eight. My storytelling was mainly in my head. I would think up plots for my favorite TV show. I was a late bloomer and didn’t start writing seriously until the 1980s. I would have to say I considered myself a writer when I had my first book signing and saw my signature.
Do you write full-time? If so, what's your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I try to spend at least six hours a day writing, but sometimes life gets in the way. When I worked full time it was difficult to get even six hours a week dedicated to writing. I just spent one week at our time share in Southern Indiana. I wrote 100 pages. I have been home for two weeks and have written 5 pages. It varies. When I’m not writing I’m either reading or I’m on the golf course.
What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I type two question marks (??) when I need to research something. Rather than stop in the middle of writing to search the Internet or pick up the phone and call a friend (nurse, doctor, lawyer, etc), I wait until I’m done with the first draft and first re-write. Then I search for all double question marks, print out the pages and put them in piles depending on whose brain I have to pick.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Surprisingly an archeologist. I used to sit on the curb and sift through all the rocks at my feet, thinking every rock with a marking was a fossil of some type. Of course, after seeing Jurassic Park and how boring archeology is (long hot days brushing sand from bones, living in tents), I’m glad I didn’t pursue that occupation.
Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
I have kept quiet all of my life about these “little people” I used to see from the age of four until my teens. They would crawl along the ceiling of my bedroom. My mom told me I was imagining it since she had read me Gulliver’s Travels. But three years ago, I was on a paranormal/fantasy/sci-fi panel. Someone in the audience asked the panel members to share any encounters they have had that might be considered paranormal, whether seeing a ghost, spacecraft, etc. I described my “little people” and two panel members immediately said “hobgoblins.” This, of course, prompts my husband to call me “strange.” I did see a ghost once while babysitting for a friend and I once subscribed to Dr. J. Allen Hynek’s UFO Reporter. I guess this all explains why my writings are anything but traditional mysteries.
Thanks for stopping by today, Sandra, and sharing a bit about yourself and your writing. I hope all the spirits stay on the pages!
Monday, July 25, 2011
Interview with romance author Melissa McClone
Romance author Melissa McClone is our guest today. She's doing a virtual book tour with Goddess Fish Promotions for her newest release Not-So-Perfect Princess.
Melissa is giving away a $20 Amazon gift certificate at the end of the tour to a lucky commentor. Details below.
Melissa McClone writes for Harlequin Romance. Her November 2010 release Christmas Magic on the Mountain
She graduated from Stanford University with a degree in mechanical engineering, but quit her job to write romance novels. Writing happily ever afters is a lot more fun than analyzing jet engine performance. She lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, three children, four cats, and a dog named Chaos.
Welcome, Melissa. Please tell us about your current release.
Not-So-Perfect Princess
Dutiful Princess Julianna has a secret—she’s actually happiest makeup free, sailing with the sea breeze in her hair. Her attraction to rebel prince Alejandro is instant—but her intended is his brother, the proper but dull Enrique!
For the first time, Julianna’s irresistibly tempted. Before long, she’s spending her nights sailing with gorgeous Alejandro while the rest of the palace believes she’s sleeping. Soon she’ll have to choose—remain the perfect princess, or follow her heart and stop sleepwalking her way through life.…
What inspired you to write this book?
My heroine in this book has been a secondary character in two other stories—If the Ring Fits
When I wrote a different royalty-themed story (Expecting Royal Twins!) it was the perfect opportunity to introduce Julianna to Harlequin readers. Before I could ask my editor if I could write her book next, I was offered a spot in the Once Upon a Kiss miniseries and could use Julianna as my heroine.
What exciting story are you working on next?
I'm having so much fun with my work-in-progress. I'm writing a Harlequin Romance (working title Goal…Wedding!) about a professional soccer player and a woman who her nephew's guardian while his parents, reservists in the military, are deployed overseas. The nephew's soccer team is what brings the hero and heroine together. Balls fly as well as sparks!
When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I considered myself a writer the first time I completed a 50K word manuscript. It was promptly (and thankfully) rejected. But I learned enough about the craft of writing as well as the romance genre to call myself a writer.
Do you write full-time? If so, what's your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I'm a full-time mom so most of my writing happens when I'm waiting for one of them at a practice/activity or in the early morning/late evening when the kids are asleep. But I'm guessing if I add all those writing hours up each day, I could call myself a full-time writer, too.
I have a nifty word processor called an Alphasmart that I use for drafting. Using my Alphie really helps my daily word count! Also, I never find time to write. I make time to write. If I didn't do that, I'd never get anything done. With three kids and a bunch of pets, someone always needs me. Making time isn't easy. But I've cut out a lot of things I used to do. Now I watch only one television show a week. I also don't do a lot of socializing except for an occasional breakfast or lunch with a friend.
What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I write the first three chapters of a story then I write the end of the book. I have to know where I'm going or I get stuck. The last chapter isn't always the same as what's published. I've tried not writing the end, but I can't move forward without it.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I think what I wanted to be changed depending on my age and the day! I do remembering wanting to be a doctor at one point. I talked about that seriously enough my dad thought I should volunteer as a Candy Striper to see if I liked working in medicine. It didn't take me long to realize I didn't want to be a doctor.
Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
Thanks for letting me visit with you today. It's been fun! If you have any questions for me, please post them in the comment section and I'll answer them.
Thank you, Melissa.
Readers, remember, Melissa is giving away a $20 Amazon gift certificate at the end of her tour. Leaving a comment below will enter you to win, but you can have more chances if you follow the tour and comment. The more you comment, the better chance of winning.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Interview with dark fiction short story writer Lake Lopez
Today on Reviews and Interviews is short story writer, Lake Lopez, whose goal is to scare his readers. No worries, the interview isn't scary...
Lake Lopez is not the body of water in California, but a flesh-and-bone human being who wants to scare the hell out of you.
What do you enjoy most about writing short stories?
I enjoy the immediacy of short stories. When we read novels we know that we’re going to spend some time doing so; and therefore it’s okay for the writer to take some time to warm up. A novel gets to set the stage, imbue a character with subtext, and hide dozens of meanings within dialogue. A short story doesn’t allow any of this. The character must be established in a few sentences rather than chapters and the conflict has to be established immediately. It’s a challenge and a great way for a writer to earn his or her chops
Can you give us a little insight into a few of your short stories – perhaps some of your favorites?
“Dark House” which takes place in a dream world was inspired from a bad dream I had about a cookie. I’m not kidding. If that story bothered you, blame the cookie.
“Green Eyed Boy” arose from an article I found on the net about a boy who was caught torturing cats. I wondered what it would be like to be that boy’s father.
Sinister, the novel-length project that’s published in weekly installments at my blog, is inspired by a red guitar I owned for a short time… I’m not sure I’m ready to share that true story, but I’ll keep you in the loop.
What genre are you inspired to write in the most? Why?
Horror – and it’s because I’m something of a prankster. I always have been. I was the kid who snuck up behind you and made you jump twenty feet in the air. It’s also a challenging genre to write in because you have to drill into your readers heads and that takes a lot of thought.
What exciting story are you working on next?
I have about two-dozen short stories in development, but I’m most excited about Sinister. I’m writing another novel called The Weeping about the Mexican legend of La Llorona and that will debut soon. I’m also psyched about a novella I’m writing for my list called “Wearing Wicked Smiles.” It takes place in a haunted movie theater and revolves around a couple of best friends. So there’s a lot of irons in the inferno right now and not enough time to write them all.
When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I was a mischievous teenager, not a bad kid, but definitely prone to speaking my mind and getting into trouble. And because of this trouble I met someone who was a published writer. I thought he was a very cool person. So I wrote a story and showed it to him and he encouraged me to keep writing. The poor guy, he wound up reading everything I wrote until I graduated from high school… I’m sure he had no idea what he was getting himself into by showing me kindness. At some point, I learned what periods were for and where to put the commas and the stories started to make sense. My mentor told me, “You could be a great writer.” And that was that – I knew what I was and what I wanted to be for the rest of my life.
How do you research markets for your work, perhaps as some advice for writers?
I would advise writers to read what they love and read what they hate, but write everything, especially in the beginning. I’m lucky to have non-fiction, paying clients who give me money to play with words. Believe it or not, this helps my fiction and gives me a great deal of discipline. I would also suggest ignoring the markets for a long time. It’s bad business advice, but good advice for writers because we all need to know a lot about our craft before we can entertain market requirements and demographics. So my thought is to concentrate on character, conflict, theme, scene execution and, in doing so, find your voice. Then worry about the markets.
What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I dress up as my characters and try to spend hours living as they do, getting to know their worries and their needs. I prefer to write late at night when I should be sleeping. I keep notebooks and micro-cassette recorders within reach every second of my life and I’m totally OCD about capturing a thought, a sentence, or an idea. I’m hard on myself when it comes to page count and have endangered my health and wound up in the hospital a few times. All of these things make me hard to live with, I suppose, and some relationships have been damaged by this. To me it’s part of the job and the way I live. I’m not sure if it’s interesting, but I’ve been told it’s quirky as well as weird and requiring long-term psychological help.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Believe it or not I wanted to be a country music singer, then I realized I didn’t like singing in front of people as much as I liked shirts with silver snaps on them and cowboy boots. So I decided to be a cop. I actually pursued that for a time as a grown-up, but artistic endeavors led me down some different paths. Ironically, one of the short stories I’m writing now is about a country singer, so maybe I’ve come full circle.
Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
Thanks for letting me be here. Of course, I’d like to invite everyone to visit my blog and participate. There’s some really insightful commenter leaving feedback and asking great questions and it’s a growing community of very cool folks. So swing by and let me scare the hell out of you… heh heh heh (that’s an evil laugh, by the way).
Thanks for partaking of the interview today, Lake, and for not sneaking up behind us.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Interview with dark fiction author Larry Kerr
Dark fiction author Larry C. Kerr is here today to talk about his new release from Damnation Books, By the Light of the Moon.
Larry C. Kerr is a former newspaper reporter and is now a web programmer for a state agency in Pennsylvania. Originally from western Pennsylvania, he has lived in the south central portion of the state since 1988. He has one son.
Larry graduated from Butler Area High School and Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania. He attended graduate school at Penn State University.
An avid runner, Larry has been running for more than thirty years. In 2007, he participated in the National Senior Games.
Always interested in fiction, Larry began writing in earnest in 2004. He has won honorable mention in local short story contests and published a short story in an anthology in 2010.
He has completed a historical fiction manuscript, an action adventure manuscript, and a short story collection. He can be reached via e-mail at
Larry, please tell us about your current release, By the Light of the Moon
Small town America. A baseball game on a warm July morning. A boy is running through the outfield. Suddenly, he slips and falls in a cascade of red. After he slides to a stop in a pool of blood and gore, he finds himself looking at a human head. He screams. The terror in tiny Blacksville, Pennsylvania, has begun.
Can newspaper reporter John Reynolds discover who, or what, is killing the people of Blacksville? Will he be able to overcome the effects of his nervous breakdown? Can he trust those around him? Will they trust him? Has he found love in the little town? Will the killer take her? What Reynolds finds in reality is more terrifying than anything he imagined in his darkest moments. Will he survive?
What inspired you to write this book?
I’ve been a horror fan for a long time. I’m not sure exactly what got me interested, although one of my influences in my childhood was horror movies. They were far less bloody and gory than the current offerings, which is probably a good thing.
As far as this book specifically, I was working on another novel when this idea came into my head. I don’t recall a specific event that triggered the idea.
What exciting story are you working on next?
I have several manuscripts in various stages of completion and recently began submitting again my first manuscript, which is historical fiction. I have submitted two short stories this year and am working on a third.
When did you first consider yourself a writer?
There were two times. Getting my book accepted was one and the other was when I had some success with short stories in contests. Both times I felt someone had validated what I was doing.
Do you write full-time? If so, what's your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I work full-time as a web programmer for a state agency in Pennsylvania. I write in the evenings after dinner and during the weekends. My son is older and doesn’t need me to entertain him anymore, so I have more free time now.
However, now that the book has been published, finding the time to write is more of a challenge. I think if you’re going to sell your book you have to push it and you can’t be shy about it. Since there are only so many hours in the day and since I do work full-time, I do have to make a choice between promoting and writing.
While some might not agree with that, you have to be practical.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I had various ideas at different stages in my life and remember expressing myself in writing as a child.
Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
Don’t be afraid to try writing, but if you do you’ve got to be persistent.
Thanks for visiting today, Larry. Best of luck with your writing projects.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Interview with mystery author Kate George
Mystery writer Kate George is today's guest. Be ready to laugh as she talks about herself, her writing, and, of course, her newest release, California Schemin’.
Ms. George has always been easily distracted by books and has a lifelong love affair with mysteries. Her early influences include Mary Stewart, Enid Blyton, and Agatha Christie. At one time she owned the entire collection of Ms. Christie’s work, including individual copies of the novels that had alternate titles. Ms. George enjoys PD James’s Inspector Dagliesh, Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum, and Robert B. Parker’s Sunny Randall and Spenser. Ms. George began writing at an early age and by age 25 had written her first book, a truly awful novella about a marine biologist. She then wisely took a break from writing.
When Ms. George discovered Janet Evanovich and Jennifer Crusie she realized that she could use her own off-beat sense of humor in her novels and she began writing seriously again.
Ms. George has always loved animals and they find their way into her novels on a regular basis. The dogs are often based on her canine children and their fictional antics are usually rooted in the truth. The incident with the crazy skunk in California Schemin’ is not fictional, and although Ms. George did not actually tame the skunk in question, the attack is a true account and her house stank for days. For the record, the dogs would rather stink than be washed with peroxide, baking soda, or dishwashing soap ever again.
Although born in California and raised in British Columbia, Ms. George is currently living in Central Vermont with her husband, four children, three dogs, and two cats. She once had 28 chickens, all named, none of them especially keen to lay eggs. I'm sorry to tell you that Hermione and Speckles were eaten by coyotes. The rest were given to good homes to avoid any further emotional distress.
Kate, please tell us about your current release.
California Schemin’
What inspired you to write this book?
I knew Bree’s story wasn’t over when I finished Moonlighting in Vermont. She just wouldn’t let it go. So I sat down and typed up the second book in the saga, which include the region of California I haunted as a teen, and the current day exploits of skunks and dogs. Apparently I’m still not done with Bree, as I’m working on the third book in the series and I have a feeling her luck with men is about to change.
What exciting story are you working on next?
I am currently finishing up a paranormal romance called Glimmer Girls, and beginning How Much Is That Dead Guy in the Window – the third Bree MacGowan Mystery.
“Dead Guy” takes place back in Vermont and features some of my favorite characters from California Schemin’. It promises to be as fast paced and funny as California Schemin’.
Glimmer Girls is a story of love and self acceptance, written with a sense of humor and a touch of magic. It’s about Laura Delamare, a young woman born with scales growing over parts of her body. Her struggle to find self acceptance and love in a world that has thus far exploited her. It sounds kind of stuffy when I put it like that, but it’s not. It’s full of magic and secrets and lost souls.
When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I’ve been a writer since I can remember. It’s just that I took a little time off. You know a short hiatus of twenty-five years or so.
Do you write full-time? If so, what's your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I adored my life when I was able to write full time. That was the absolute best, but with four kids and college on the horizon I needed a larger income. So I work full time in our local school. I’m administrative support, better known as the permanent substitute. I’m an oxymoron. Any way what that really means is I’m the person who fills in when a teacher or office staff or nurse or you name it, can’t be at work. We are a K through 12 school so there’s a lot of scope for variety.
It keeps me from getting bored and that’s a good thing. I either write in the morning before work, or if I’m really lucky I’ll get a free period and get a chance to write during the day. I try and fit promoting books into the afternoons and evenings.
What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I’m not sure it’s a writing quirk, but I started writing again on a dare. I was boasting that I could write like Janet Evanovich and my friends called me on my bluff. It was write or eat my words. So I wrote.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I figured someone would be driving by on the road (half a mile away) and hear me playing piano and I’d be discovered. Mind you I’d never had any lessons and couldn’t play worth beans… I also wanted to be a veterinarian, but I’m allergic to most animals. I wanted to train horses or be an artist, but my mother said I was going to marry Prince Andrew so I didn’t pursue those careers. After all, Prince Andrew probably didn’t want to be married to a veterinarian with swollen eyes and a runny nose.
Anyway I decided I’d turn him down if he asked me. Who needs that kind of pressure?
Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
I often hear the words “Curse you, Kate George. I couldn’t put that book down and I didn’t get any sleep last night. If I get fired it’s your fault.” So be careful. Bree MacGowan has a way of sucking readers into her crazy life.
Readers are free to read more, or contact me through my website, Twitter, and Facebook.
Kate, thanks for the laughs, insight into your writing, and a bit about you. It's been a fun interview!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Interview with sci-fi/thriller author Gordon Kessler
Today we have Gordon Kessler as a tour stop for his book Brainstorm
As part of the virtual book tour, Gordon will be giving away the winner's choice of a basic Kindle, Kobo, Sony Reader, or Nook to one randomly drawn commenter. Details are below.
Gordon A Kessler is a former US Marine parachutist, recon scout, and Super Squad team leader, with a bachelor's degree in creative writing. He is a Master Instructor for Johnson County Community College, National Academy of Railroad Sciences, and the BNSF Railway.
He has taught novel writing for Butler County Community College, English Composition for Hutchinson Junior College and has previously indie-published the thriller novels Jezebel
He is a founder and former president of the Kansas Writers Association and tries to stay connected to writers and the writing industry by doing speaking engagements at writers conferences and for writers organizations, and has does his own "The Storyteller" seminar in Wichita, Lincoln (Nebraska), Kansas City, and other Midwestern cities based on his Novel Writing Made Simple book. His websites, and www.IndieWritersAlliance are landing pages for writers to help them in their writing endeavors.
Welcome to Reviews and Interviews, Gordon. Please tell us about your current release.
Brainstorm goes beyond the bounds of ordinary reason. It's a story about a man lost, who doesn't know it, and the diabolical plan to control the world that hinges upon him. It's a warning about a rising power that may soon consume us. It's a story about connections you can't see or scientifically explain, but you can feel. It's about a love that cannot be contained and a bond that will never end.
Research led me to the CIA's Project Stargate, a twenty-year exploration into remote viewing and psychic powers which they actually relied upon even during and after the Persian Gulf War. Delving into the background information needed for the project, I did extensive research into the incredible new developments in nonlethal weapons such as acoustic cannons, sticky foam, anti-traction substances, electromagnetic pulse devices, and infrared lasers. I was also reminded of some very sobering statistics; there are still thousands of American MIAs from the Korean and Vietnam Wars.
What inspired you to write this book?
I've been fascinated with remote viewing, and the fact that the CIA, Department of Defense and Defense Intelligence Agency (as well as various other foreign government agencies including the USSR) invested so much time and money into various black projects including Star Gate, Grill Flame and Center Lane to develop psychic talents. I've also been fascinated with recent developments in high tech nonlethal weaponry of all types. Throw in the dream many of us have of finding a mate who will follow us to the ends of the world, and you have Brainstorm.
I have to tell you of my inspiration for my first thriller, Jezebel, as well. It was a little ferret, by the same name. Of course, in the novel, Jezebel is far from a tiny ferret.
What exciting story are you working on next?
A sequel to Brainstorm called The Master Plan. This would bring back a number of the main characters (those who live through it), some really great bad guys. This time, it will involve not just saving the Free world, but the entire planet. The Master Plan will go at an even faster pace than Brainstorm—lots of thrills, chills and, of course, undying love.
I'm considering writing a sequel to my first thriller, Jezebel, as well. This one would bring back Tony Parker in a more elevated role and different local, along with one of Jezebel's pups, to uncover a murder mystery involving hundreds of people over a period of 150 years. It will be set in the middle of a large Midwest metro area along a well-traveled jogging/biking trail. I can't wait. This one will be so spooky, it'll keep you up all night with the lights on, even after you've finished the novel!
Also, I've been toying with bringing back female NCIS agent "Spurs" Sperling in a sequel to Dead Reckoning. I think she'll be a great investigator in the next novel, more seasoned and aware. This time, she'll have some pretty cool help.
When did you first consider yourself a writer?
When I got that first publishing contract in 1992. And when did I have to rethink it? When that publisher went bankrupt in 1995, the week it was to finally do a 10,000-book run.
Do you write full-time? If so, what's your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I write part-time. My J-O-B is as a Manager of Freight Car Training and Master Instructor for the BNSF Railway and the National Academy of Railroad Sciences on the Johnson County Community College campus in Overland Park, KS (KC suburb).
My writing time has been minimal, lately—conducting writing seminars and working to help other writers get their work published through the Indie Writers Alliance has taken up most of my free time. I'll soon be back on track, however. I write after work and on weekends, when my seven-month old golden retriever "Jaz" (Jazmine) will let me.
What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I don't write in the morning—too many distractions. I write best late at night. Typically, I'm tired, but my brain seems to work better. If I get into a groove, I can write from sundown to sunup. That can literally be a big headache if I have to go to work that morning! Other than that, I like to listen to building percussion music when I'm writing action scenes.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be an Air Force jet fighter pilot—then a US Marine. I did become a Marine, but only for three years. I'm glad, now, that life took me down a different path—especially that fork in the road that led me to writing.
Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
Besides my cool Brainstorm book-trailer that you can view on YouTube at: (BTW, the eBook version of Brainstorm and my other thrillers are all on sale now for $.99)? Well, I've slowed down some over the years, but I've always drawn on life's experiences to write my fiction. I've been lucky enough to go many places and do many things—and I think that's helped me imagine and write my stories, and helped me bring to them a feeling of realism. I've found that most of my readers agree. I hope your bloggers invest the time to read Brainstorm—I think they'll be glad they did.
Thanks for being here today, Gordon and introducing us to your writing.
Readers, as part of the virtual book tour, Gordon will be giving away the winner's choice of a basic Kindle, Kobo, Sony Reader, or Nook to one randomly drawn commenter. So, comment here and at other stops on Gordon's virtual tour for chances to win.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Live chat/interview with mystery author Stacy Juba - 7/24/11
The Writer's Chatroom presents mystery author Stacy Juba.
You can read an interview with Stacy here on Reviews and Interviews.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Eastern USA Time.....7-9 PM
Not sure what time that is wherever in the world you are?
The Writers Chatroom at:
Scroll down to the Java box. It may take a moment to load. Type in the name you wish to be known by, and click Login. No password needed.
Please note: The chatroom is only open for regularly scheduled chats.
You can read an interview with Stacy here on Reviews and Interviews.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Eastern USA Time.....7-9 PM
Not sure what time that is wherever in the world you are?
The Writers Chatroom at:
Scroll down to the Java box. It may take a moment to load. Type in the name you wish to be known by, and click Login. No password needed.
Please note: The chatroom is only open for regularly scheduled chats.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Interview with mystery, suspense, and romance author Pat Dale
Reviews and Interviews welcomes mystery, suspense, and romance author Pat Dale, today, to talk about writing and his latest release Dance with the Devil from MuseItUp Publishing.
Welcome, Pat. Please tell us a bit about yourself.
After a long and varied career in electronics, music, and business, I’ve turned to fiction writing and haven’t looked back. I wrote a huge novel that seemed to go well except I could not find a way to end it. Turning to professional guidance, I wrote another book and then another, and I’m still trying to get that first one done.
I returned to my native soil of Missouri to enjoy its scenic beauty and quaint but rock-solid people. I’ve been married most of my life, with five children and seven grandkids so far. I love to work in our garden-like yard in the summer and read every book I can get my hands on.
Please tell us a bit about your current release, Dance with the Devil.
It’s the story of a good man, Buddy Wilson, who’d signed on to teach in an evil little town. He marries into the community before realizing they specialize in infidelity, incest, and illegitimacy. After his marriage fails and he learns that his little daughter was not really his, Buddy moves to another town to start over. A former pupil, Robin Blaik, turns up and they renew acquaintance, beginning a new phase of their lives. As their friendship blossoms into love, they have to face down the demons of their common past.
What inspired you to write this book?
This book is based in part on real life experiences. The characters are fictional, the towns don’t really exist; but the kids who experiment with Satanism are based on actual facts. I wanted to describe the natural beauty of northern Nebraska, contrasting it with the slimy undercurrent of behavior by a group of people who knew better but didn’t care. And I wanted to show that decent values can buoy the spirit and form a basis for successful living, not unlike what had happened to the pioneers who lived there a century earlier.
What exciting story are you working on next?
I’ve begun a new mystery series set in St. Louis, Missouri. The St. Louis Blues Mystery series features maverick cop, Daniel Quinn, and psychologist, Sera Moreland. Sera could have been a concert pianist but chose psychology instead. Dan is a crack homicide detective but finds himself at loggerheads with his boss. The first book is entitled, Toccata, and deals with a serial abductor/killer of teen girls who all are gifted at the piano. The second book, Blood Lust, is in process and involves an unsub who seems determined to murder every member of a leading family. Lots of music, classic and jazz, a fair amount of romance, especially in the beginning episode, and occasional total mayhem abound. The third, as yet untitled, book is in its embryonic stages at this time. My goal is to produce at least five books in this series.
When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I went to college to become a music teacher. My English profs tried to convince me to become a fiction author, but I was a hot-shot trumpeter and the lure of music was too great. From time to time, I would begin a short story, poem, or a novel I’d dreamed up. Sadly, they never went more than about sixty pages. I’d leave my notebook in the trunk of my car and, when I traded cars, they got left behind. I’ve often wondered if anyone found them and tried to finish them. Probably not.
After I’d retired from performing and teaching, I picked up a notebook one day and began to write a story, based on a wayward thought I had at the time. Three months later, I had a pretty good novel of over a hundred thousand words, but I couldn’t end it properly. I sought professional help and, with my mentor’s advice, began a new story. That, by the way, was the genesis of Dance with the Devil. It had to be put aside for a number of years and is highly modified from its original form, but that’s when I first allowed myself to think I might be a writer.
Do you write full-time? If so, what's your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
Because I’m retired from full time employment, I have an open schedule. Of course, I try to maintain a regular system of drafting, editing, rewriting, and submitting my manuscripts. Try is the operative word here. I’ve always been an early riser and the quiet of the morning lends itself to my creative efforts. Sometimes, I dream through a scene so vividly I have to get up and write it down. Usually, I can remember the next morning what I’d dreamed about. So I guess you could say that, for me, writing is a ‘dream’ job.
What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
Other than believing people will want to read my books?
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I didn’t want to grow up. Well, not really. I mean I loved my childhood in our backwoods Missouri Ozarks. But I always wanted to be a fighter pilot. I can still remember watching flights of P-51 Mustangs headed east during the war, on their way to airborne battles overseas. I managed to become an airman, but not a pilot. That’s a crazy thing, too. Two of the things men fear most is burning to death and falling from great heights; both of which are fairly likely for a fighter pilot.
Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
Read my books. Please? I’m old enough to have a fairly mature viewpoint on many of the things that are life or death to a youngster. I’m young enough in spirit to remember how brightly burned the fires of youth in my breast. I’d like to think I’ve put enough of both into my writing to make reading it an enjoyable experience.
You can find more about me at my website, or here.
Pat, thank you for being here today and telling us a bit about yourself. You have quite a few writing projects to keep you busy - it's great to have a plan!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Guest blogger - Sheila Lowe - Series versus Standalone Writing
A special treat for readers today. Sheila Lowe is here to talk about writing series versus writing standalone novels. She's done both. :)
Series v. Standalone
When I started writing my first mystery novel, I had no plans to make it a series. Having loved reading mysteries since childhood, I’d always wanted to write one. Still, it wasn’t until after my first two non-fiction books were published and I’d worked for thirty years as a handwriting analyst that I got the idea that became the novel. So I wrote Poison Pen
, which won third place for Mystery in the 2000 Southwest Writers competition. I figured that meant I was all set to publish and sell a gazillion copies, but the truth was, I couldn’t find a publisher. They liked the premise, but they (rightly) said it wasn’t strong enough.
So, while sending out queries to agents and publishers (and doing countless rewrites of the book), I took a course with the amazing Elizabeth George and began plotting Written in Blood
, the second Claudia Rose story. I had grown to know and like Claudia and her cohorts, and was happy to be spending time with her again, but I still didn’t think of it as a series until I started writing the third book, Dead Write
(note the handwriting-themed titles!).
It took seven years to get Poison Pen into print, but once it was published by a small press, I was lucky enough to attract the attention of a major publishing house. They ordered the first four books and called them the Forensic Handwriting Mysteries. I thought, “Okay, now I’m really set!” Uh, not so fast...
I’ve heard it takes five or six books to get a series well established and my books have developed a nice following. Unfortunately, however, my editor — the one who really loved my series — left the publishing house after book three. The fourth and last contract book, the appropriately titled Last Writes
, was published in 2010, but the new editor didn’t offer a contract for additional books. Boo hoo me.
But, not one to give up easily (remember, I worked for seven years at getting published), I’ve just sent my agent a new standalone. Lying in Bed is a psychological suspense/thriller about a young woman who wakes up on a train with total amnesia. Since I don’t want my readers to forget Claudia, however, she and some of the other characters have small parts in the book. Readers often e-mail me to ask when the next Claudia book (which is already being plotted in my head) will be out, so it’s my fervent hope that the series will find a new home.
Bottom line, I hadn’t intended to write a series, but I did. And now that I’ve had a taste of writing a standalone, I wouldn’t mind doing another. But Claudia Rose is where my heart is.
Thank you, Sheila, for sharing your experiences with series and standalone writing. Folks, you can see my review of Poison Pen here.
Bio notes:
Like her character Claudia Rose in the award-winning Forensic Handwriting Mysteries series, Sheila Lowe is a real-life handwriting analyst who testifies as an expert witness in court. She’s a frequent guest in the media and was invited by Lifetime Movie Network to provide information and analyses of criminals on their website as a tie-in for Jeffery Deaver’s The Devil’s Teardrop movie. Sheila holds a Master of Science in psychology and is the author of the internationally acclaimed The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Handwriting Analysis
, Handwriting of the Famous & Infamous
, and Sheila Lowe’s Handwriting Analyzer software.
Sheila can be reached via e-mail, and through her website.
Series v. Standalone
When I started writing my first mystery novel, I had no plans to make it a series. Having loved reading mysteries since childhood, I’d always wanted to write one. Still, it wasn’t until after my first two non-fiction books were published and I’d worked for thirty years as a handwriting analyst that I got the idea that became the novel. So I wrote Poison Pen
So, while sending out queries to agents and publishers (and doing countless rewrites of the book), I took a course with the amazing Elizabeth George and began plotting Written in Blood
It took seven years to get Poison Pen into print, but once it was published by a small press, I was lucky enough to attract the attention of a major publishing house. They ordered the first four books and called them the Forensic Handwriting Mysteries. I thought, “Okay, now I’m really set!” Uh, not so fast...
I’ve heard it takes five or six books to get a series well established and my books have developed a nice following. Unfortunately, however, my editor — the one who really loved my series — left the publishing house after book three. The fourth and last contract book, the appropriately titled Last Writes
But, not one to give up easily (remember, I worked for seven years at getting published), I’ve just sent my agent a new standalone. Lying in Bed is a psychological suspense/thriller about a young woman who wakes up on a train with total amnesia. Since I don’t want my readers to forget Claudia, however, she and some of the other characters have small parts in the book. Readers often e-mail me to ask when the next Claudia book (which is already being plotted in my head) will be out, so it’s my fervent hope that the series will find a new home.
Bottom line, I hadn’t intended to write a series, but I did. And now that I’ve had a taste of writing a standalone, I wouldn’t mind doing another. But Claudia Rose is where my heart is.
Thank you, Sheila, for sharing your experiences with series and standalone writing. Folks, you can see my review of Poison Pen here.
Bio notes:
Like her character Claudia Rose in the award-winning Forensic Handwriting Mysteries series, Sheila Lowe is a real-life handwriting analyst who testifies as an expert witness in court. She’s a frequent guest in the media and was invited by Lifetime Movie Network to provide information and analyses of criminals on their website as a tie-in for Jeffery Deaver’s The Devil’s Teardrop movie. Sheila holds a Master of Science in psychology and is the author of the internationally acclaimed The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Handwriting Analysis
Sheila can be reached via e-mail, and through her website.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Interview with paranormal romance author Minnette Meador
Today is a virtual book tour blog stop with paranormal romance author Minnette Meador. She's touring her new book, A Ghost of a Chance, with Goddess Fish Promotions.
Minnette will be giving away a Kindle and a $100 Amazon gift certificate to a lucky commentor. See details below.
Somewhere between thirty and hair, blue eyes...six kids, one slightly used husband, and any number of pets from time to time... wanttabe hippy... wanttheirmoney yuppie... pro musician and actress for 30 years... native Oregonian... lover of music, beauty, and all things green. Willing slave to the venerable muse. Minnette currently resides in Portland, Oregon with her husband, having replaced the children with one dog. The dog, Pierre, pretty much runs the show.
Her works include: Starsight
Welcome, Minnette. Please tell us about your current release.
A Ghost of a Chance is a paranormal romantic comedy that released June 22 from Resplendence Publishing.
Keenan Swanson is your typical, everyday graphic designer. Well, except for the hundreds of pesky, prank-loving poltergeists that make his life interesting (in a Chinese curse sort of way). He finds his situation precarious yet manageable — until witty, smoking-hot coworker Isabella enters the scene and Keenan decides he wants her all for himself. With a horny succubus who has other ideas, a burly city cop determined to lock Keenan away, and an evil entity who’s hell-bent on using Keenan’s seed to create a living demon, the reluctant psychic realizes he just might not come out of this alive — or with heart intact.
"Hysterical and very original!" 2-Time Rita Winner Wendy Warren
What inspired you to write this book?
I wanted to write about ghosts, having been a big fan of all things ghostly for most of my life, plus some real hair raising experiences of my own. I asked myself: What if someone saw hundreds of ghosts floating around him, in fact he talked to them? What would his life be like? How would he function in the “normal” world? What would his love life be like? What would the ghosts be like?
What exciting story are you working on next?
I’m currently working on the third book in the Centurion Series, The Gladiator Prince, which hits the stands on August 17th. Set in ancient Roman Britannia and Rome, it is a standalone book in the series featuring the last royal of the Briton Trinovantes Tribe, the spoiled daughter of his owner, a dashing ancient pirate, and the search for the gladiator’s two daughters who have been taken to Rome as slaves.
Prince Thane is the last surviving royalty of the Trinovantes Tribe in Roman Britannia, having surrendered to the Romans after the Boudicca Revolt to save his two daughters, whose identities he sacrifices his freedom to protect. He is condemned by Nero himself to become a gladiator, to fight until he dies in the arena. When his two daughters are taken in a slaver's raid, Thane escapes, forcing the daughter of his master to take him to Rome to save his children. Little does he know that the beautiful Syrian woman holds not only the key to his passion, but a secret that triggers a disaster that ignites the world. Will this spoiled willful girl betray him in the end or sacrifice herself to save them all? Book III of the Centurion Series.
When did you first consider yourself a writer?
When I penned my first Star Trek script at the age of 8. It wasn’t very good, but, oh, what fun it was to pretend!
Do you write full-time? If so, what's your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I have to work full time like most writers, but I do set aside time on the weekends and evenings to write. I also try to get away for small retreats to write, which really helps. Most of my hobbies get put aside when I’m on deadline, but I try to take a long break during the year to recharge for the next book.
What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
Believe it or not, I like to listen to funky music when I write. Don’t know why, but I tried classical and other mellow types of music, but for some reason a funky female vocal about her bad boyfriend seems to do the trick! ~teehee~
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a singer and actress more than anything when I was a kid. I got the opportunity when I was 13 to sing at a night club in downtown Portland and never looked back. I’m retired from singing and acting now, but I spent a good 30 years doing what I really loved.
Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
Just want them to know that if they want a chance to win lots more prizes, visit for a complete list of where I’ll be this month. The more blogs you visit and comment on, the more chances you’ll have of winning Amazon gift certificates, totes full of goodies, jewelry, make-up, and even two drawings to win a Kindle, loaded with great books (even some of your choice!), plus lots of surprise contests.
Here's the buy link for A Ghost of a Chance.
Thanks so much, Lisa, for inviting me to your amazing blog. I really had a blast! Minnette :o)
My pleasure, Minnette. It's been fun getting to know a bit about you and your writing. Best of luck with the rest of the tour!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Interview and blog tour stop with romantic suspense author Terri Reed
Today I'm happy to host romantic suspense author Terri Reed as part of her virtual book tour with Goddess Fish Promotions. She's talking about her newest release from Love Inspired Authors.
As part of her tour, Terri is going to give away a $25 Visa gift card to a lucky commentor. Details below.
Award winning, multipublished author Terri Reed discovered the wonderful world of fiction at an early age and declared she would one day write a book. Now she is fulfilling that dream and enjoys writing for Love Inspired. She is an active member of both Romance Writers of America and American Christian Fiction Writers. She resides in the Pacific Northwest with her college-sweetheart husband, two wonderful children, and an array of critters. When not writing, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, gardening and playing tennis.
Terri, welcome to Reviews and Interviews. Please tell us about your current release.
In The Innocent Witness
What inspired you to write this book?
A news article detailing the plane crash that killed a US Senator sparked the idea for the plot of my book, but Anthony was already an established character from my May 2009 book Covert Pursuit
What exciting story are you working on next?
I’m currently working on a Love Inspired Suspense contemporary continuity series about a family of Irish cops and a murder in their small New England fishing village. My book will be the last in the six book series and will be released in June 2012. The continuity series features five other wonderful Love Inspired authors. Half the fun of writing a continuity series is working with other authors.
In The Deputy’s Duty, Ryan Fitzgerald must team up with freelance reporter Meghan Henry to trap a killer, rescue a child and bring down a band of illegal baby smugglers. As Ryan and Meghan work together, they grow closer, but a family secret threatens to tear them apart.
When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I’ve always wanted to be a writer and longed to put the stories in my head to paper but it wasn’t until I was pregnant with my daughter that I decided to do something about it. I took a class at the local junior college and started my first story. I didn’t call myself an author until I held my first published book in my hands. I had a novella published in 2001 with Barbour and my first Love Inspired novel, Love Comes Home
Do you write full-time? If so, what's your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I consider myself a full-time writer though I can’t say I write everyday. I am very involved in my children’s schools, which require time away from the computer. Most writing days start at 8:30ish and go until 2:45ish. Somewhere in there I will stop for lunch and/or workout. I try to do e-mail and anything that needs my attention on the computer either in the evening or first thing before I start working for the day because once I get into the writing zone I don’t want to leave.
What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I can’t write in silence. I have to have music playing. I used to play classical music but found it was making me too relaxed, so now I play pop, rock and show tunes. I take inspiration from the music and the faster paced tempo helps my writing pace.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A writer. I used to tell myself stories as a way of coping with my extreme shyness as a child. My peers in grade school teased me because I was always ‘talking’ to myself, which only added to my shyness. Go figure. I wrote my first romance story in sixth grade about two wooden clothespin dolls I’d made. After I had my first book published, my mother sent me the stories from my grade school and high school years. I was amazed she’d hung on to them for so long.
Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
The Innocent Witness
Folks can find me at the Craftie Ladies of Suspense blog and the Craftie Ladies of Romance blog as well as Love Inspired Authors.
Terri, thank you for sharing a bit about yourself and your writing projects.
Readers, Terri is giving away a $25 Visa gift card to a lucky commentor at the conclusion of her virtual book tour. Leave a comment here to be entered. And if you visit other tour stops and comment, you'll give yourself more chances to win. Terri's other stops can be found here.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Prompt chat at Writer's Chatroom - 7/17/11

Prompt Chat
Ladies and Gentlemen, this chat is a bit different. We're all going to stretch our creativity and see how fast we can think on our down.
Audrey will throw out a prompt, and we will all write to the prompt, on the spot. When you are finished, post your work to the chatroom. We'll spend about ten minutes on each prompt, then we'll move on to the next one.
So there is pressure, and there is stress. Hopefully, good stress that will inspire your creativity. Remember to give credit to TWC when a prompt turns into that best-selling novel!
Get ready to kick your creativity into high gear. Shake those cobwebs out of your head, limber up your typing fingers, and prepare to rock your brain!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Eastern USA Time.....7 PM
Not sure what time that is wherever in the world you are?
The Writers Chatroom at:
Scroll down to the Java box. It may take a moment to load. Type in the name you wish to be known by, and click Login. No password needed.
Please note: The chatroom is only open for regularly scheduled chats.
Don't forget the open chat on Wednesday nights, 8-11 pm EST!
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