Albert McTweed has such an active imagination that PJ McDougal, his imaginary friend, actually comes to life and helps Albert with his troubles.
Albert is an intelligent young boy who lets life's experiences ooze into his drawings. He lets his imagination, in the form of a cowboy named PJ, take on a life of its own. PJ, always in precarious situations that seem to have one dreadful outcome, stays focused on the problem at hand and takes advantage of luck and common sense to save himself.
The author's dedication to entertaining his readers is as prevalent as his desire to inspire education. He includes definitions of certain words in the back of the book. The prose is descriptive and engages all of the senses. Short, tight sentences add to the unpredictable, interesting, and constantly active pace of the story. The two main characters, Albert and PJ, come alive through their vivid perceptions of their individual worlds.
Arthur T. Lee realized when he was a very young boy that writing was what he had to do. It took several school years and encouragement from teachers before he decided to embrace writing completely. Partners Again is his first novel, but several more for middle grade and young adult are in the works. Arthur is a long time advocate of increasing child and adult literacy. Arthur and his family live in the northwest.
Partners Again has something for everyone and is a recommended uplifting family read. It's a wonderful reminder of the enjoyment and power of the imagination.
Title: Partners Again
Author: Arthur T. Lee
Publisher: Nobility Publishing
ISBN: 978-0-9802297-0-7
Pages: 240
Price: $9.99
Reviewed for Allbooks Review