Friday, August 5, 2016

Interview with writer/author Tracy Wainwright about "A Transformed Mind"

Author/Writer Tracy Wainwright is helping me wrap up the week by chatting about her non-fiction book, A Transformed Mind: Change Your Thoughts to Change Your Life.

Tracy is a multi-published author, having self-published more than half a dozen books and is currently under contract for her first traditionally published novel. She has also been published in multiple local and national magazines over the last ten years.

Tracy enjoys writing in a variety of genres and has works in the categories of Bible Studies, adult fiction, young adult, children’s fiction and nonfiction. Her latest nonfiction book, A Transformed Mind, is the first in a series of twelve mini e-books devoted to life transformation.

Welcome, Tracy. Please tell us about your current release.
A Transformed Mind developed out of a period of personal trial, reflection, and prayer for ministry direction. It’s the first in a 12-part series of mini e-books geared towards reaching people who may not have a lot of time to read, but have a desire to read books that will change their lives. A Transformed Mind fits that bill perfectly, being called small but mighty. The book is written with clarity and authenticity that anyone can relate to and gives practical tools that anyone can implement. It is an important and initial step to help people live the abundant, victorious, transformed life we’re called to live.

What inspired you to write this book?
As I was spending time evaluating and reflecting on my personal ministry, my writing ministry, my family, and other things I’m involved in, I began to prayerfully seek out how to be most effective and efficient. My desire was to be faithful to the calling I’ve been given without taking away from my family or church ministries. As I went through this process, it was made clear that my focus in all areas of life and ministry are to be transformed. As I worked on drawing this theme into my writing, the Transformed Series was conceived. A Transformed Mind seemed like the most appropriate place to start, as our minds must be on board before we can make any other changes in our lives.

Excerpt from A Transformed Mind:
It was interesting as I searched scripture for evidence of God influencing our thoughts, I came up short on what I expected. There are multiple scriptures on God knowing our hearts and minds, exposing the vast schism between His thoughts and ours, of God revealing truths to us, and even God blinding people’s hearts and minds. What I didn’t find was extensive evidence of God implanting ideas in our minds.
As I thought about and prayed over this seeming anomaly, the Lord graciously provided me an answer. He has given us the gift of His Word to fill our minds. He is not a God who desires control over our minds and actions. He’s not a dictator deity pushing Himself on us and relinquishing us of our free will. No. On the contrary, He loves us enough to give us everything we need then let us come to Him through our own desire and will. He has revealed Himself through actions and Holy Spirit inspired writings, lovingly calling us to …set your mind and heart to seek the LORD your God. 1 Chronicles 22:19
It’s not that God doesn’t desire to influence our thoughts and hearts, it’s that He does not use His power and sovereignty to control us. God does not forcibly control our minds, but He offers through His Word to steer our thoughts to truth. He also offers, through His Spirit, to help us know and understand His Word.

What exciting story are you working on next?
I’m very much looking forward to the end of our year of homeschooling soon so I can get to work on the many projects I have waiting in the wings. A Transformed Mouth (book 2) has already been written and A Transformed Ministry (book 3) is in the works. I’m also working on a middle grade novel for my children that’s about a Girl named Broccoli. It’s fun and a nice break from the research and intensity of writing nonfiction. I’m also expecting to be working on edits on my upcoming mystery novel, which is currently contracted with Prism Book Group

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I first considered myself a writer when I started pouring my heart out in black and white about ten years ago. While I’ve only been published a few years, I like most authors worked many, many moons towards that goal. When you wake up in the middle of the night, or leave dinner to burn, or forget to make dinner because you absolutely have to get the words flowing in your brain down on paper, then you know you’re a writer.

Do you write full-time? If so, what's your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
There are days I feel like a full time writer, but because I homeschool, most of my writing days are very split up. I usually have an hour during the school day where the kids are working independently, a couple of hours in the afternoon, and try to grab one or two after dinner several evenings a week. That’s why I look so forward to summer break, without teaching school 3-5 hours a day, I have a lot more time to “work.” Then there’s always the times I wake up at 3am and can’t sleep or am working on a project and don’t go to bed until 2. Basically, I squeeze writing in wherever I can. However, I’ve learned that when I’m writing, that’s my focus and when I’m with my family, they’re my focus. I have to completely shut off my writing side to really enjoy being with them and in addition to regular family times, I usually ban myself from the computer at least one day a week to be present for my family and friends. And just take a restful break!

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
Good question. I think all writers are a little quirky, so not sure I have anything specifically unique. Maybe the fact that I edit Facebook posts and text messages before sending them.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
First, I wanted to be a veterinarian. Then I read a book about all that entails. I wanted to love on animals, not do surgery on them. After that I moved on to want to be a beautician, and then an interior designer. I’m so glad God brought me to where I am! I don’t think I’d have been exceptionally good at any of those jobs.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
I just want to let the readers know how important and valuable they are to authors like me. I’m also an avid reader and had no idea what went into making a really good book until I started writing. I just loved the entertainment and educational factors. I didn’t know I was important to the author, but the truth is we can write thousands of books, but without readers the words have no power. It’s when they choose to pick up a book and honor me as an author with their time that my words reach their greatest value potential. And for that reason, I’m very grateful for every single reader out there.


Thank you so much for having me! It’s been a blast and I hope to be able to return again someday soon.

You’re quite welcome! Thank you for being here.

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