Thursday, August 4, 2016

Interview with poet Beverly Green

Today I have poet Beverly Green chatting with me about her collection entitled Caught in the Light.

In ‘Caught in the Light’, Beverly presents poems full of twists, turns and unusual conclusions. The author covers a broad range of topics, from loss and grief to hope and friendship.

In the atmospheric 'The Field', Green writes; "A threatening sky pasted with black choking clouds / Brings a menacing evil that crawls in overhead, / We are helpless now, shrouded in its ominous cloak." 

This contrasts to 'Peace', in which she writes; "Warming sunlight settled gently, chasing the night away / Painting brightness on my world, in a calm and peaceful way."

These poems are best appreciated by dipping in and out of each section, choosing poems depending on your mood.

Welcome, Beverly. Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
Born 1959 in Ilford Essex.

Left school at 18 in 1977.

1977/78 I spent a year abroad in Israel as a youth leader for an American Youth group and returned to live there in 1980.

1981 married Barry Green.

Since 1984 we have been owner/managers of a quick print business Kwik Kopy where I manage the production. A few years ago we opened another business that complements the print business called Papier that sells amongst others designed life style products, notebooks and paper associated items.     

What do you enjoy most about writing poems?
Freedom of expression is such an important element in every aspect of life and being able to write in a free form enables me to explore my own personal limits.

Can you give us a little insight into a few of your poems – perhaps a couple of your favorites?
I think out of them all the 'Caught in the Light' is definitely one of my favorites.

Putting ones complete trust in somebody leaves us open to the ultimate disappointment, that of betrayal. It's a gentle reminder that putting all ones trust in somebody is very a precious but risky endeavor.

Another that is a particular favorite is 'Truth'. If it's not visible to you or anybody else then why bother with it. We all lie in some form or another and so very few of us having lied come clean. Sort of.."if it's not broken why fix it" attitude.

What form are you inspired to write in the most? Why?
I have always loved poetry and love most forms. I know my style doesn't match up to any one particular style. Maybe that's because I enjoy the process and the sparks of ideas that come into my head. I also feel that as poetry isn't the most popular book on the shelf that it would be good to have "a mixed bunch" and hope that some of it appeals to each individual who picks it up.

What type of project are you working on next?
I have started another collection of poetry and am curious to see where that leads me. I am considering writing a book as I have a few ideas, but it will take time to resolve.

When did you first consider yourself a writer / poet?
Even from a very early age I have always written poems and limericks. My favorite time at school when I was very young was the end of the lesson when the teacher would read us a poem before going home. It always seemed magical to me that one could use words in a different way other than just writing out an essay.

How do you research markets for your work, perhaps as some advice for not-yet-published poets?
As this is my first dip into the pool of publishing I have no technical advice only to say that if you write it get it published. One may not have a best seller but the satisfaction of completing a book is immense.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I like to mix it up and think the majority of my poems, even though short make one think, or have a twist at the end

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
As mixed as my writing is so are the professions I thought about...everything from teaching to becoming a detective! Needless to say I didn't pursue either of these. The closest I came to teaching was becoming a youth leader and as for becoming a detective...maybe in the next life as I have a curious mind and love solving issues.   

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
Dream it!
Do it!


Thanks for being here today, Beverly!

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