Thursday, July 7, 2016

Interview with YA paranormal fantasy author Dormaine G

My special guest today is author Dormaine G who is chatting with me about her newest YA paranormal fantasy novel, Connor, Revealed (Book 2).

Dormaine was born in Long Island, New York where she lived most of her life. As an adult she liked to travel out of the country though her favorite places to explore were her fantasy worlds as an author. She may be a nurse by profession but her heart has always belonged to writing. As a young child she spent many Saturdays in the library nurturing her love for books. There she discovered her fascination for the science fiction genre, through books, movies and graphic novels.

Now she resides in Colorado with her husband and two feisty dogs. After many years of working in hospitals and travel nursing she took time off to pursue a career in writing. Her first novel "Connor" is in one of her favorite genres, young adult urban fantasy. Her second love is for horror of which she created the "Madame Lilly, Voodoo Priestess" series. This is just the start of her exploration as she stays locked up her office in Colorado spinning more tales.

Welcome, Dormaine. Please tell us about your current release.
Connor, Revealed is the second part of a trilogy. It follows the life of a sixteen year-old female who recently discovers that she has abilities and is part of a secret race called The San. Once enemies make themselves known, a battle commences but not everyone walks away unscathed. Those left standing are forced to pick up the pieces in the aftermath of the fight and accept an astonishing betrayal while others are forced through a portal to the enemy planet - Ether. The story covers physical pain, emotional hardships and a heart wrenching love triangle.

What inspired you to write this book?
I’ve always had a love for YA, fantasy novels so writing about a young female with abilities was fascinating. I wanted a diverse of characters in this novel that could represent any person so readers could relate to one character or more. Plus I’m still a child at heart so it kind of fit.

Excerpt from Connor, Revealed:
Two planets, One struggle

While dealing with the aftermath of betrayal, the dust has yet to settle before more supernatural sightings emerge. The San cannot rest as they take on more responsibility defending Earth. Connor must endure immeasurable physical pain as her abilities grow stronger especially through the fights but particularly through The San brutal combat training for they must prepare for what’s coming: War. Connor’s loyalties are questioned as her actions are put to the test. She is forced to make harsh decisions against the Elders disapproval when the world around her crumbles. Ultimately, one decision will seal her fate.

Ronin a formidable opponent under Monlow’s rule is back. He’s on a mission only no one knows what that mission is. The very one closest to him is Connor his mortal enemy. Neither willing to accept their destiny and yet it compels them. Will enemies become allies or do they battle to the death.
This foreign planet known for its unyielding cruelty is where Willow now resides. Ultimately, she’s forced to confront her actions that put her there. Condemned to continuous battle she has to overcome her once shallow self and accept the inevitability: fight or die.

What exciting story are you working on next?
I am now working on Connor 3 which should be out this summer. It will be the final chapter to the series and it will answers all the questions about certain loyalties, who will be left standing in the great battle that will take place on planet Ether and of the love triangle between Connor, Ronin and Tony.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
Probably two years after I first published. When I had a few more book under my belt and received positive reviews, I felt like I could finally breathe.

Do you write full-time? If so, what's your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
Unfortunately I do not write full time but I soon hope to. I work as a nurse three days a week and mostly work on my craft during the weekends. Working as a school nurse allows me summers off so I get to plow through books during that time.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I need to have everything strategically placed around me and my home clean before I can sit down to write.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A superhero and a nurse but mostly I wanted to have telekinesis.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
If you love to write take a chance and publish. You may actually love it.


Thanks for being here today, Dormaine. Happy writing!

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