Thursday, May 17, 2018

Interview with romance author Anarie Brady

Author Anarie Brady joins me today to talk about her spicy romance novel, Rescued from the Dungeon: Oubliette.

During her virtual book tour, Anarie will be awarding a print novel and goody bag signed by the model, Vikkas, to a lucky, randomly drawn winner. To be entered for a chance to win, use the form below. To increase your chances of winning, feel free to visit her other tour stops and enter there, too!

Anarie Brady writes hot, happy-ever-after love stories filled with strong men and strong women who choose to submit to their own desires. She also loves scratching her chinchilla in all his itchy spots, sipping tea, and savoring whiskey. She absolutely adores hearing from fans, so don’t be shy!

Please share a little bit about your current release.
This story revolves around two men coming to terms with the extreme racism of the past. Luckily, one man’s brilliant submissive comes up with a plan to mend the wounds of the past and to forge a new friendship.

What inspired you to write this book?
I wanted to find a way to show the evolution of the horrors of historic dungeons to the modern BDSM pleasure dungeons. Living in the St. Louis area where great strides are finally being made to mend the disease of racisms, I also wanted to tell a story where individuals overcome their pasts and become lifelong partners.

Excerpt from Rescued from the Dungeon: Oubliette:
“Marina, what is it you want to propose?” Jason asked. She wouldn’t speak until he had given her permission. She was in full submind, a level just below subspace. Submind could be maintained for hours, days even. It happened when she let go of the needs, desires, and stresses of the outside world, allowing her mind to focus only on the needs, desires, and wishes of Jason, her dominant. The source wasn’t necessarily sexually motivated, but rather service motivated, unlike subspace, which was often achieved while sexually stimulated. In truth, subspace was rather like that delicious glow that often happens to vanilla couples after sex, but that glow was more like a nuclear explosion.
“Sir, I know how upset you’ve been since David shared his history. I wish to propose something that might, in some small way, appease your sense of fairness,” she began.
“That’s not necessary…” David began.
“No, she’s right,” Jason interrupted. “I agree with you that we need to leave hate and guilt and blame in the past. There’s no way I can ever make up for what my family did to yours, David, so there’s no point it trying. But, I can’t let go of this. The image of what your ancestors suffered at the hands of mine keeps running through my mind. I need to find a way to still those ghosts. What were you thinking, Marina?”

What exciting story are you working on next?
I’m working on several and really need my husband/dominant to give me some stern discipline, so I can concentrate on one!!! I’m close to finishing Diary of a Dominant. As can easily be seen from the working title, it’s written from the point of view of a dominant who lives in Lexington, Kentucky. He and his submissive open The Mansion – an exclusive club for like-minded players. Naturally, trouble ensues when Mae is kidnapped. I’d tell you more, but I really can’t.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I’ve written stories, poems, articles, essays most of my life. In 2008, though, my first book, Conquest of a Fairy, was published. That’s when I thought, “Wow. I’m really a writer.”

Do you write full-time? If so, what's your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I don’t. I’ve been an educator for over 30 years. It is so very difficult to find time to write, which is why I don’t have many books out. I write mostly on weekends and in the summer. Some people play video games to relax. I escape into worlds of my own making

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I talk to myself when I write. Even if I don’t vocalize, my lips move as if I were talking.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be – don’t laugh – either a beautician or an electrician. As an adult, I know absolutely NOTHING about electricity and I need to look up videos to figure out how to deal with my hair.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
As a reader myself, I’m hesitant to contact my favorite writers. Don’t be like me!!! If you like something, not only leave a review, but contact the writer!! Honestly, most writers are something of a hermit and can get lost in the words. We need real, live people to chat with. I go all fan girl whenever I contact a writer and he or she messages me back or “likes” a comment. Before I began to write I didn’t realize that writers go all fan girl when a reader contacts them!


Thank you for being a guest on my blog!


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