Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Interview with children's author J.R. Becker

Children’s author J.R. Becker is here today to talk about his newest book, one with a focus on science, called, Annabelle & Aiden: Worlds Within Us.

During his virtual book tour, J.R. will be awarding 2 personally-signed Annabelle & Aiden books, along with 3 limited-edition Annabelle & Aiden bookmarks (US ONLY) to a randomly drawn winner. To be entered to win, use the form below. To increase your chances of winning, feel free to visit his other tour stops and enter there, too!

AUTHOR: J. R. holds a B.A. in Philosophy and a Juris Doctorate from Emory University School of Law. When he's not practicing entertainment law, playing drums, or enjoying the great outdoors, Joseph enjoys all the science and philosophy books and podcasts he can, pondering the bigger questions and dreaming up ideas for future children stories. (Got any? Send them in!)

After publishing his first (philosophical, dystopian) novel, The Spider & the Ant, and later becoming a father, Joseph was inspired to found the Annabelle & Aiden series to foster curiosity and scientific awareness in the next generation.

Joseph lives in New Jersey with his wife Leah, and two children, Annabelle & Aiden.

ILLUSTRATOR: Max lives in a small town just outside Venice, Italy. As an illustrator, she is proficient with multiple mediums (from physical to digital) and can draw in multiple styles, as seen in her portfolio below. Max is especially fond of cats, Game of Thrones, and Lindsey Stirling. After wandering the cosmos in search of the perfect illustrator, we're lucky to have found her, just on the other side of our blue planet. Check out Max's site HERE. See Max at work on her YouTube page HERE.

Welcome, Joseph. Please share a little bit about your current release.
This gorgeously-illustrated book takes children on an adventure through the earliest stages of our universe. “How did our universe form?" Annabelle wonders to Aiden. Luckily, the friendly Tardigrade Tom answers by taking the children on their biggest adventure yet! Soaring through space and time, they marvel at the big bang, and learn how each and every one of us is literally made of the same stardust. This book empowers children, who learn how we each hold a part of the universe inside us, and are far more special, interconnected, and 'larger' than we may think.

What inspired you to write this book?
My inspiration for this book, and in fact, the entire Annabelle & Aiden series, is to show children that our actual reality can be just as exciting as fiction, or more, and can help us change the world.

Excerpt from Annabelle & Aiden: Worlds Within Us:
Did you know you hold the strength of hydrogen bombs?
Or that there’s parts of different stars in each of your palms?

We’re made of pieces that used to be part
Of dinosaurs, Shakespeare, and Amelia Earhart.

So when you feel small, that you don't matter much,
Know stars are inside you, whole worlds you can touch.

What exciting story are you working on next?
I hope to write the very first children’s book that explores death from a scientific and humanist standpoint.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I very much took to writing in high school. I’m in love with the written word.

Do you write full-time? If so, what's your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
Nope. I’m a civil rights attorney, and work with inmates at Riker’s Island. I write at night, and wish I had more time.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I need just the right music to write to. That may involve anything from Radiohead to Sigur Ros to Beethoven, depending on the night.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
An architect.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
Annabelle & Aiden is a children's book series dedicated to inspiring a new generation of scientists, thinkers, and all-around adventurers. Our books are tailored to foster curiosity, wonder, critical thinking skills, and inspiration on the line where science and philosophy meet.

Thank you for being a guest on my blog!