Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Excerpt from contemporary romance The Truth about Lilly by Christy McKee

The spotlight shines on the contemporary romance novel The Truth about Lilly by Christy McKee today.

As Christy tours her novel with Goddess Fish Promotions, she’ll be awarding a $40 Amazon or Barnes and Noble gift card (winner’s choice) to a lucky winner. To be entered for a chance to win, use the form below. To increase your chances of winning, feel free to visit her other tour stops and enter there, too.

Christy McKee began her career in TV news and eventually found her way into advertising and finally fiction. She believes a good story should be about characters who win your heart, sometimes move you to tears and occasionally make you laugh. As a reader, Christy hopes you'll be swept into her characters' lives enjoy getting to know them, experience the challenges they endure and be with them when they come out on the other side.

A little bit about The Truth about Lilly:
Lilly Talbot never imagined she would be starting her life over again. Losing her good name for something she didn’t do has driven her to move into an old lake house she inherited in Vermont. Upon arrival, she is shocked. Half the roof is about to slide into Lake Champlain. Even more upsetting, the man who can fix it will only agree if she trades him room and board for his labor. What will the good people of Haley think of her sharing a house with the handsome bachelor?

A man with a past…
Connor “Mac” McQueen, once one of the infamous Whiz Kids of Wall Street, spent three years in prison for insider trading. Only one thing sustained him during his time inside, the thought of owning Point Cottage, a home he’d fallen in love with years ago. He plans to turn the house into a stunning showcase for his eco-friendly home construction business.

Secrets and lies…
Now someone’s trying to drive Lilly from her home. Is it someone from her past? Mac has secrets of his own-- that could ruin lives if revealed. But if Lilly and Mac are to have a future together they must first delve into the past for answers and accept some difficult truths about each other. Only then, will they know if true love is in their hearts.

Exclusive excerpt from The Truth about Lilly:
His blue eyes twinkled with orneriness as they met hers over the top of his coffee mug. "Nice of you to concern yourself with my comfort." He rolled one of his thick, muscular shoulders. "Might just take you up on it. That bed is a little tight, not much room for a man to maneuver." 

"Ok then." She blew into her mug and took her first sip of coffee, trying to get the picture of Mac maneuvering in his bed out of her head. "I'm going to be up in my studio. We're having your fried chicken and biscuits for dinner tonight."

 "Hmm. I'm going to look forward to that all day." His voice had a rough morning rasp to it that stirred her up a bit. After too many dinners and nights alone, her life could surely use a little stirring up. 

The doorbell rang. Lilly found Brady on the front step. "Morning. Want to come in for some coffee?"

"No, thanks, ma'am. Just need to talk to the boss." He seemed more fidgety than she remembered. "Well, come in then."

"No. Just tell Mac to come out. I'm all dirty."

Odd. He looked perfectly clean and tidy in a fresh t-shirt and jeans.

"Mac." Lilly walked back into the kitchen. "Brady wants to talk to you. He won't come inside. Says he's too dirty."

Mac frowned and walked out onto the porch, closing the door behind him. After a few minutes passed, he came back into the kitchen. "Got to get started." He didn't look at her. "You're going to be inside, upstairs most of the day?"


"Not planning to drive any place this morning?"

"No," she answered. "Is my car in the way or something? Do you want me to move it?"

"No, it's fine." Mac was distracted. "Just leave your keys on the island in case one of the guys needs to move it. Ok? Wouldn't want any of the debris coming off the roof to scratch it."

"Sure." She went over to the small kitchen desk and fished her keys out of her purse. The old Volvo station wagon, used by their gardener, Cesar, for the past twelve years, already had its share of dings and scratches. She doubted the addition of a few more would be noticed.

With her mug and a small orange, Lilly headed up the stairs to her studio.  Knowing the pounding and tearing off would start soon, she put her ear buds on the table, ready to drown out the noise as soon as it began. She tacked three photos of Granny Macabean to the large easel. Sitting on the squeaky metal chair, recycled from the dank basement, she opened her sketchbook to a fresh page. As she worked, the dear old face she'd loved for so many years flowed effortlessly onto the paper.

A half hour later, she realized the house was still strangely quiet. Why weren't the men up on the roof? Did something happen? Dropping her pad to the table, she went downstairs. Where was everyone? She walked barefoot through the living room, through the wide screen porch and out the back door. As she rounded on the stone path, she heard the sound of male voices from the side of the house.

All four men were kneeling beside her car, scrubbing it. What the hell were they doing? "Mac?" She headed down the walkway. "What's this?" Then she saw it. Southern bitch go home painted in hot pink across the hood. She stumbled and almost fell. Talbot whore get out of town, was written along one side.

Icy cold enveloped her, and a freezing tingle shot up the nape of her neck. No. No. No.  This couldn't be happening here—it couldn't. She was brand new in town. No one knew anything about her.  Her knees wobbled and there was nothing close at hand for her to grab onto for support. Dizziness swamped her. Mac was speaking, but she couldn't make out what he was saying. 

 Get it together, Lilly. Don't humiliate yourself in front of these men. With supreme effort, Lilly twisted around and fled back up the walk and up the porch steps into the house.  Weak with relief to be alone, she made it into the kitchen where she bent over the sink, turned on the spigot and splashed cool water on her face. When a big warm hand touched her shoulder, she almost jumped out of her skin.

"Whoa there," Mac's deep voice rumbled. "We'll get that stuff cleaned off. It'll be good as new." He turned her to face him and snagged a dishtowel off the counter. One big hand gently blotted her tears while the other held her shoulder, keeping her close. "Just some damn teenagers with too much time on their hands."

"They knew my name, Mac." Her voice was shrill. "I've been here all of three days and already I've made an enemy." Her knees finally gave out and she slid to the wood floor.

Mac hunkered down beside her. "You're spooked, I get that. But enemy? I think maybe you're over reacting a little."

Was he crazy? She blinked rapidly, trying to focus on him. "Are you kidding? These teenagers knew my name. Hell, they even spelled it correctly." She was trying her best to churn up a good head of anger. Anything was better than being sucked under by her fear of being outed and humiliated. 

Mac hunkered down in front of her and gently took her elbows in his big hands and pulled her to her feet. "I'll give the sheriff a call. He might have an idea about some possible suspects—maybe some teenagers. Could be your car wasn't the only one hit."

"No, no police." She was adamant. "Promise me you won't call them."

"Lilly, they should know." He looked down at her, obviously baffled by her reluctance to involve the authorities.

"Absolutely not. Please ask your men not to mention it to anyone. Please, Mac?"

He stared at her in silence like he was waiting for her to come to her senses. "All right, no police. If you're sure that's what you want."

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Christy McKee said...


Thank you for having me as your guest today. I would love to know what character traits your readers like in their heroes and what one trait would be a total turn off.

Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thanks for hosting!

MomJane said...

This really sounds exciting. What a great sounding mystery/romance.

Rita Wray said...

Great excerpt, thank you.

Christy McKee said...

Hi MomJane and Rita,

Glad you liked this scene. Tune in tomorrow for another one.

Karen H said...

Really enjoyed reading this excerpt.

Glenda said...

Great Excerpt!

Christy McKee said...

Thank you ladies for visiting.

Unknown said...

Very good excerpt. I want to

Anonymous said...

I like loyalty, intelligence, and humor, but don't like arrogant types who pretend to know more than they do!
