Thursday, August 7, 2014

Book excerpt for Tesla's Imprint by Kimberly Adkins

Today I’m featuring a book blurb and excerpt for Kimberly Adkins’ contemporary romance (with sci-fi elements) novel, Tesla’s Imprint.

Kimberly will be awarding a Kindle version of Tesla's Imprint to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during this tour and the Book Blast tour.

To be entered for a chance to win, use the form below. To increase your chances of winning, feel free to visit other tour stops and enter there, too!

Some things just can’t be erased.

Simon’s visions of a little girl are the only memories he has. Like an imprint on his heart, the visions cling. Who is she? Who is he for that matter? Tracked and hunted across the world, and in possession of a device that sets him apart from time and space, danger follows him at each turn.

He never meant to drag Tess into his drama. But with one slow, seductive dance in a candlelit night­club, that’s exactly what he’s done.

Tesla’s own heritage is a mystery in itself. Born of wealth into a corporation with no paper trail, she’s called back to take the helm. But what’s the nature of the business she’s supposed to lead? And how does it connect her to Simon?

She was so close to him, her confidential whisper hot against his cheek. He could feel the satin sleeves of her robe brush against the back of his hands as he held her fingers possessively. He believed her – every word. God help his soul if he was wrong, but he didn’t care. He would tell her his only secret.

“We both must have been here as children. I think I remember you,” Simon said in the same hushed tones she used. “We played together on the lawn. You laughed at me, always teasing. Do you remember me too?”

Tess froze in his arms the moment the confession left his mouth. Her eyes looked stunned and then panicked before she pulled away. He wasn’t able to gauge her emotions as she let her hair fall over her face to cover her reaction. He felt more helpless than he did the first day he woke at the hospital with amnesia. Even if he wanted to take his secret back, he couldn’t. Was his revelation so horrible that it could cost him the small amount of trust he thought he’d built with her?

“Tess, just look at me.” He lifted her chin with his fingers, taking the chance he wouldn’t spook her with such a bold move.

Please let the bond I felt with her at the start mean something, Simon thought. She leveled her chin and there was resolution in her eyes. He could feel her strength and determination and it was damn sexy.

Author bio and links:
Kimberly Adkins is an author and artist who spends her spare time working on worm hole theories so she can go back in time and enter Star Gate’s ‘Get in the Gate’ sweepstakes as many times as it takes to win.

Says Kimberly of romance, “Fate lines up to reward the faithful who believe that love holds a power beyond our understanding and dreams have a chance to come true.”


Goddess Fish Promotions said...

Thanks for hosting!

Unknown said...

Thank you for having me over today, Lisa. It's nice to meet you!

Kimberly Adkins