Prompt Chat
Ladies and Gentlemen, this chat is a bit different. We're all going to stretch our creativity and see how fast we can think on our ...er...sitting down.
Audrey will throw out a prompt, and we will all write to the prompt, on the spot. When you are finished, post your work to the chatroom. We'll spend about ten minutes on each prompt, then we'll move on to the next one.
So there is pressure, and there is stress. Hopefully, good stress that will inspire your creativity. Remember to give credit to TWC when a prompt turns into that best-selling novel!
Get ready to kick your creativity into high gear. Shake those cobwebs out of your head, limber up your typing fingers, and prepare to rock your brain!
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Eastern USA Time.....7 PM
Not sure what time that is wherever in the world you are? http://www.worldtimeserver.com
The Writers Chatroom at: http://www.writerschatroom.com/Enter.htm
Scroll down to the Java box. It may take a moment to load. Type in the name you wish to be known by, and click Login. No password needed.
Please note: The chatroom is only open for regularly scheduled chats.
Don't forget the open chat on Wednesday nights, 8-11 pm EST!
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