Today at Reviews and Interviews is Kevin Villegas. He's stopping by as part of a virtual book tour for his novel The Sunwright Chronicles: Empire at War
Kevin, please tell us about your current release.
The Sunwright Chronicles is an epic fantasy that takes place in the fictional world of Tera. Kirmar has stood as a beacon of civilization in Western Tera for the last nine hundred years. A string of bad Emperors has led to the near collapse of the Empire. An external invasion by a super tribe known as the Nords threatens to take the Imperial Capital of Kirmar. For nine hundred years the Sunwright family has defended Kirmar and supported its powerful Imperial Family. Now the Imperial family has been all but destroyed by war and disease. To make matters worse Paris and Suadela the head of the Sunwright family have mysteriously disappeared.
What inspired you to write this book?
My love for Roman and Byzantine cultures. Instead of writing historical fiction, I took what I loved about both cultures mixed them up added a large helping of fantasy and I came up with the Empire of Kirmar.
What exciting story are you working on next?
Currently I am working on the next novel of the Sunwright Chronicles. The Working title is The Sunwright Chronicles – The Enemy Within. I am almost a hundred pages into the novel and very excited. In The Enemy Within, the world of Western Tera really opens up as I introduce the nation of Wuttenburg, The Great Steppes, and other factions all vying for power. The novel will also chronicle the internal struggle for power that exists in Kirmar.
When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I would say I’ve always considered myself a writer. I’ve been able to craft stories since I was very young. I am just glad I got the motivation to write a full novel. I can’t take all the credit on Empire at War as the support of my wife really helped me complete this novel.
Do you write full-time? If so, what's your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I wish I could write full time. I work full time in the banking industry. In the evening I enjoy spending time with my family. When I write it tends to be later in the evening, I’ll set aside an hour and pour out as much material as I can.
What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I need music to write! Listening to music when I write helps me get into a good groove fairly quickly. The idea’s seems to flow nice and smooth when I have music playing. Without music I tend to lose momentum quickly.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Many things I can list them in order: marine, surgeon, professor, musician, writer. Those are the ones I can recall.
Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
I hope you enjoy Empire at War. Also my first novel is only the tip of the iceberg there is so much more coming in the future!
Thanks for visiting, Kevin. Best of luck with the tour and your writing.
Kevin's next stop is an interview at Written In Blood on May 28.
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