Today is a Goddess Fish Promotions virtual book tour stop for author Judy Nickles writing as Gwyneth Greer as she promotes her book The Showboat Affair
Readers, you have a couple of chances to win some prizes from the author today. Details are at the end of the interview.
Judy, please tell us about your current release.
The Wild Rose Press released my third novel, The Showboat Affair, on April 15. It’s with their Last Rose of Summer line—that is, the main characters are older. It’s also a romantic suspense in that Nick and Jean are finding each other—and finding themselves running for their lives.
What inspired you to write this book?
The idea came from a trip to Branson, Missouri, where I enjoyed a dinner cruise on ‘The Branson Belle’ and also glimpsed the enticing Chateau on the Lake Resort. What better setting for a romance?
What exciting story are you working on next?
The Face on Miss Fanny’s Wall, a romance-historical-mystery, has been contracted by Champagne Books for release in 2012. But I’m very excited about the six-book cozy mystery series I’ve sketched out. Book #1 is finished, and book #2 almost there. I love my small-town B&B hostess Penelope Pembroke and her assorted family and friends! Now I just have to find a publisher who will love them as well.
When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I can’t remember when I didn’t write, but it was always for my own entertainment. Being published seemed the impossible dream until a few years ago. I think that anyone who writes, published or not, is a writer. It’s something you are inside.
Do you write full-time? If so, what's your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I retired four years ago and began to research information on writing for publication—not a minor task—and I still have much to learn about the industry and about the writing craft. Fortunately, I have an empty nest and plenty of time to come up with ideas and get them down on paper—though I’m finding that writing (and all that being published entails, like editing, promotion, and marketing) is a full time job.
What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I don’t know if it’s interesting or not, but I have to do a lot of research for my books—whether historical, geographical, or technological. I can let some things go under the guise of ‘literary license’, but for the most part, I want what I put down to be factual—even if it’s in fiction!
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A lady detective! And remember, this was soon after World War II, when women weren’t fully integrated into the workplace. If they’d done a ‘Rosie the Riveter’ during the war, afterwards most returned to home and hearth if at all possible. So people laughed and patted me on the head, and of course, I didn’t grow up to be a lady detective. (However, my oldest son is a police detective!) I think that’s why I’m enjoying writing Penelope Pembroke, because I get to go sleuthing through her.
Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
I’m having so much fun writing and seeing my books come to life. Hopefully, they will keep me young—or at least breathing until I have them all written! That might be when I’m 106!
Thanks, Judy. Readers, Judy is giving away a copy of The Showboat Affair in any format (including print) chosen by winner, pink laser flip-top mirror with engraved info about book, and a $10 gift certificate to Bath and Body Works to one randomly chosen commenter from her blog tour. The more comments you leave (throughout the tour), the better your chances of winning. The dates and blog stops can be found here.
Judy Nickles is a retired teacher who has spun stories since she could hold a #2 pencil. In elementary school, when storms threatened, the teacher would send her up to the front to tell a tale, taking the other children’s minds off the weather. After retiring four years ago, she got serious about getting published.
The result was three novels with The Wild Rose Press: Where Is Papa’s Shining Star?, Finding Papa’s Shining Star, and The Showboat Affair (as Gwyneth Greer).
Champagne Books just contracted The Face on Miss Fanny’s Wall, a historical romantic suspense, for release in 2012. In addition to writing, Judy enjoys traveling, doing genealogical research, and spending time with her granddaughters, Hanna and Aubrey.
Hi Judy,
I've been following your blog tour and have been enjoying it. I agree that writing does keep us young (maybe just young at heart) and I hope you get all the books in your head written long before you're 106! ha ha - though a romance written by a 106 year old might be very interesting...
It might at that, Lynne! Thanks for following the tour!
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