Today, Reviews and Interviews welcomes Sindee Lynn, as part of the BK Walker's Authors Promoting Authors virtual book tour. Their full schedule is here.
Welcome, Sindee!
Please tell us about your current release.
Prince's Donor is about Syrian Roskonovich, the Vampire Prince. He is set to take over from his father when he finds out his current human donor has been cheating on him with his cousin. While he's coping with that his father sends him away to a small town in Washington to handle a family land dispute to get him out of Chicago and allow time for the situation to diffuse. While he's there he finds himself in a terrible state of blood lust because he hasn't been feeding properly. His only option is to turn to the database he helped create. His search leads him to Jenna James, an overweight accountant who has had her name on the database for 4 years. Lately thoughts of removing her name are more common than thoughts of some mystery vampire showing up at her door in need of what she can offer. But that's exactly what happens when she opens her door and finds Syrian on the other side.
What inspired you to write this book?
I love vampire romance novels, but sometimes they have a tendency to read the same. So I wanted to come up with something completely different in the donor database. You would think that if vampires, who need blood to survive, have 1 specific place to go and get their needs met (blood and sex) then they would all be happy, but that's not the case. There are some who don't like the idea of the database. They believe it's causing a great race of people who should be ruling the humans to become civilized.
What kind of research do you do to make your novels realistic?
One of the good things about writing vampire romance is you pretty much can make alot of it up... lol. But I will admit I do watch a lot of vampire movies and I read alot of vampire romance novels to make sure that I am keeping up with the way the world is seeing vampires and any new trends or takes on them and their world.
What exciting story are you working on next?
I am currently working on the next installment of my Donor Series. The next book delves deeper into those out to destroy the database and tells the story of Syrian's cousin and co-founder of the database, Johnna St Claire.
When did you first consider yourself a writer?
Probably not until recently when my Editor at my publishing company, Passionate Writer, sent me an email and told me that Prince's Donor was on the e-book best seller list and I was beating out Lori Foster. Then she asked if I knew who Lori Foster is. I'm like of course I know. I think the reality of my dream coming true began to really sink in then.
Do you write full-time? If so, what’s your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
Oh, goodness I wish I could write full time. I actually have a full time job, I help with my daughter's competition cheering squad and a boys basketball team... so there's not alot of extra time. So I write when I can. I find myself staying up late at night to get it in or I will sometimes take a day off from work just to write especially if I'm working on a new story idea or trying to get one ready to send a manuscript out.
Anything you’d like to share with the audience?
To all my fellow aspiring writers, I would say never give up on your dream and don't give up on yourself. Find those faithful few or a faithful 1 who won't allow you to give up on what you really want.
What do you like to do when you're not writing?
I spend alot of time with my daughter. I try to be involved. She's a teenager and I believe now more than before I need to make sure I find time just for us.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A writer of course - ever since I was 13 I knew what I was going to do. And now ... lol .. quite a few years later, I am making it happen.
Thank you for your time today. Best of luck with you writing and the rest of the virtual book tour.
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