Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Interview with mystery author Yolanda Renee

Welcome, Readers. My special guest today is Yolanda Renee, who is chatting with me about her new mystery, Murder, Just Because, a Detective Quaid Mystery.

During her virtual book tour with MC Book Tours, Yolanda will be giving away several prizes to several lucky, randomly drawn winners: complete set of the Detective Quaid Mystery series books to (1) winner, paperback copies of Murder, Just Because to (5) winners, and a Kindle copy of Murder, Just Because to (10) winners, and a $25 Amazon gift card to (1) winner. To be entered for a chance to win, use the form below. To increase your chances of winning, feel free to visit her other tour stops and enter there, too!

At one time Alaska called to me, and I answered. I learned to sleep under the midnight sun, survive in below zero temperatures, and hike the Mountain Ranges. I’ve traveled from Prudhoe Bay to Valdez, and the memories are some of my most valued. The wonders, mysteries and incredible beauty that is Alaska has never left me and thus now influences my writing.

Despite my adventurous spirit, I achieved my educational goals, married, and I have two handsome sons. Writing is now my focus, my newest adventure!

Welcome, Yolanda. Please tell us about your newest release.
Lisa, thank you for hosting me on your blog today. I know that it's a precarious time, and this exercise may seem frivolous due to the times. But I used the preparations for this tour to keep my sanity. I hope it will also give the readers a bit of an escape from the harsh truths that are facing all of us. My hope is that we all abide by the shelter-in-place rules and come out stronger on the other side.

Murder, Just Because came about because the villain, Stowy Jenkins, was caught, tried, and sent to prison after his appearance in my book, The Snowman. Prison was never going to hold a man with the intelligence or mastery of Jenkins. He's no fool, and while it took ten years, he's finally escaped, and vengeance, not artistry, is his goal. Especially against all those who imprisoned him and the detective that caught him, Steven Quaid.

What inspired you to write this book?
I hate to admit this, but it was Stowy Jenkins that inspired his return.

Stowy and the state of affairs in the world that brought about the "Me too Movement." Plus, Stowy had a strong voice. One I could not ignore despite my reluctance due to his violent nature. His story is now told, and he no longer haunts my dreams.

What's the next writing project?
Regarding the next project, I'm looking forward to trying my hand at humor. A Passion for Murder will still be a murder mystery, but this time the killer will not get a voice. His crimes will, but this monster will remain silent until his identity is uncovered in the final chapters.


Thank you for being here today!
Thank you again, Lisa, for this opportunity. What author doesn't love to talk about her inspirations, characters, and future works?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Lisa, thanks so much for being a part of Yolanda's tour and sharing this with your readers. To me it's always fun to learn background on a story and why it had to be written.

    Yolanda, Stowy is definitely one of those characters that you don't easily forget.

  2. Great interview! The new project sounds like a lot of fun!!

  3. Thanks, Lisa, Virtual touring is always a lot of fun when hosts like you make the process so easy! Your support means the world to all the authors you host, and I'm sure the readers enjoy it even more!!

    Thank you, Mason. Your work to make this tour awesome always goes above and beyond!.

    Jemi, thank you. I hope you're resting or preparing that new release for tour. Finish one, start another!

  4. Hi,
    I didn't realize that the antagonist inspired you to write this one. I find that interesting. Maybe, I will take a look at the book after all.
    Wishing you all the best.

    Shalom aleichem,
    Pat Garcia

  5. The book sounds very intriguing. Thanks for the great interview.

  6. Yes, once I'd created Stowy for the Snowman. He wouldn't go away. His story wasn't over, but, thank God, it is now! LOL I do hope you give it a look. Love you, Pat!

    pippirose, thanks. I hope you win a copy!


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