Monday, January 8, 2018

Interview with romance author Baynns Finnleigh

I have author Baynns Finnleigh here today and we’re chatting about her new romantic suspense, Burning Timber, which is part of The Timberton Lake Series: Book One.

Baynns Finnleigh’s creative mind never shuts off. Ever since she was a young girl she always had an idea, a project, or a goal she aimed to conquer. Her mother always told her it was important to have dreams, keep after them, and never give up.

Before immersing herself into the world of writing compelling story lines, Baynns was a successful business woman who went on to become a lawyer. But no matter how much she loved her job, her passion to write and create always rose to the surface and continued to pull her down a different path. She’d often joke with her close friends that she was much more right-brained than left-brained, and the right half keeps winning the tug of war.

Baynns develops a storyland where her readers can escape into a world of enchanting romance, raw emotion, and captivating characters with plots that will keep the pages turning. You will also find messages of hope, faith, bonds of family, the magic of friendships, the gift of love, and so much more running deep within her character’s and their world. Romance is her favorite genre.

Welcome, Baynns. Please tell us about your current release.
Have you ever given up on being with that special someone, missed someone, or loved someone? And in the end, you realize that they were all that really mattered?

Burning Timber is a provocative, action-filled, emotionally powerful romantic suspense novel about Madison Pike, a woman who thought she had the perfect life. She had a great career, money, status, and the man she thought she’d marry. But she couldn’t hide from the sins of her past, the void left by the absence of those she loved, and the beauty of the peaceful existence she recklessly pushed away.

She needs to find answers to the questions that have slowly torn her heart apart for far too long.

Madison Pike's cushy life as one of New York City's most sought-after lawyers can't replace the loss of her twin sister and the life she could have had with her high school sweetheart, teen heartthrob turned brawny, suave, rich rancher, Jordan Kingston. She longs for the truth about what happened to her sister and secretly craves the emotional fulfillment and raw passion she once had with Jordan, but recklessly pushed away.

Then longtime friend Detective Roger Hanoy calls about a new investigation into her sister's disappearance. Things are not what they seem, people are not who they say they are, and trust is in short supply.

Will this new development pierce the emotional barriers it took her years to build and destroy her long-term relationship with the law firm's very attractive senior partner, Richard Connelly?

Madison's success and skill litigating complex legal cases and taming wild beasts with ease does little to prepare her for what lies ahead. This challenge to her willpower, and most precarious of all, her heart, proves to be the most complex conflict she's ever had to face.

When Jordan offers to help her, Madison is drawn into a maze of lies, danger, and a passion that uncovers unimaginable truths.

What inspired you to write this book?
I wanted to create a storyland where the reader would feel the range of emotions of each character as he/she joins them on the romantic and suspenseful journey.
In Burning Timber, you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself into their world. You’ll laugh and cry with them, and experience their unbreakable bonds of friendship, love, hope, faith and family weaved into an exciting, fast-paced plot with intriguing, mysterious, twists and turns.

What exciting story are you working on next?
Currently, the sequel to Burning Timber, The Timberton Lake Series: Book Two, is in the works along with other new material. I’m very excited about what’s on deck. Stay Tuned! It is an exciting time.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
Ever since I was a young girl I always had an idea, a project, or a goal I aimed to conquer. I travelled down many different paths before I put pen to paper and actually began to write. The blank page that stared at me scared me at first. It seemed like such an impossible task. But I soon realized, nothing is impossible.

I overcame it by taking the plunge and writing the first sentence. I was energized by the creative process. With each word, the sentences developed. With each sentence, the story and the characters came to life. I knew there was no turning back.

Do you write full-time? If so, what's your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I consider myself a bit of a workaholic. I am a lawyer, writer, companion, confidant, friend, sister and advocate. It is hard to balance it all, but the passion I have deep within me for the written word inspires me in all areas of my life.

You can always find a pen and paper in my purse or by my bedside. When an idea hits me, I am ready to write it down no matter what time of day it is. I’m definitely old school when it comes to taking notes. Today’s technology is wonderful, but I do better with an old fashion pen.

I find tremendous joy in writing and feel privileged to have such great fans. I strive to give them my very best and I am grateful every day for their continued love and support. None of this is possible without them.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
My interesting writing quirk is that I have to write a different location each day. I definitely need to be in a physical space the just feels right at the time. It could be as simple as moving my notebooks, storyboard, and laptop to the living room couch, driving to the library, or something more elaborate, like setting up on a beach somewhere.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a teacher. I love to teach and learn. When my younger brother was around seven years old, I’d tutor him on English and math. We’d sit for hours going through workbooks I created for him out of spiral notebooks that I filled with English and math questions.

We had so much fun! I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
I’d like to say a big, sincere THANK YOU!

The devoted and passionate romance novel fans are what makes it all possible. Grateful and humbled doesn’t even begin to describe the gratitude I feel when I get emails from readers who share their thoughts and comments about my work. I love to hear what you think. It matters to me.

I will always strive to give you exciting, intriguing, romantic stories with an amazing cast of characters that you can enjoy.

Thank you a million times.


Thanks for stopping by today!

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