Friday, September 29, 2017

Interview with thriller author Ted Galdi

Mystery author Ted Galdi joins me to chat about his new thriller, An American Cage.

Ted Galdi is the author of the bestselling novel Elixir, which he published in 2014. The book is a winner of a Reader Views Reviewers Choice Award and a Silver Medal in the Readers' Favorite Book Awards. Ted is a graduate of Duke University and lives in Los Angeles. He has been featured by ABC and FOX television, iHeartRadio, Examiner, and many other media outlets. His second novel, An American Cage, is scheduled for release Fall 2017.

Welcome, Ted. Please tell us about your current release.
An American Cage is a fast-paced thriller about Danny Marsh, a suburban kid who winds up in jail from a crime he never intended to commit, and decides to escape. The story follows him and his two breakout partners over a twenty-four-hour period as they try to cross the Texas border to freedom in Mexico. An ally isn’t who he seems, and things get worse and worse for Danny along the way. Soon, his life, and those of his family, are at stake.

What inspired you to write this book?
The title An American Cage clearly refers to the idea of prisons, however, on a metaphorical level, it speaks to the American cultural clash between religion, science, and the individual, which sits at the heart of the book’s theme. This was the place I started. I wanted to comment on this, and a suspenseful jailbreak story seemed like an interesting framework for it. My goal for this book was to weave a classically “exciting” thriller plotline with a cultural-commentary thread.    

Excerpt from An American Cage:
The first chapter is available to read online on my website:

What exciting story are you working on next?
I’m on a first draft of another thriller. It’s still too early in the process to discuss it. I’d be happy to come back and chat when it’s ready.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I always wrote stories. From a very young age. They were in crayon and had pictures when I first started. But they were still stories. If someone writes a story, even a really brief one they don’t get paid for, they’re considered a writer in my book (pun absolutely intended).

Do you write full-time? If so, what's your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I’m not really a morning person, so often write at night. I try to do two thousand words a day. I’m also involved in non-writing businesses, so technically, I’d be considered a part-time writer. But as long as I can do two thousand words a day (or close to it), the distinction of part-time versus full-time doesn’t matter. It’s completed pages that count.

When I’m starting a book, especially after I get a first draft of an outline done, I like “sitting on it” for a while, i.e., stepping away from the project and letting it settle in my head. I do the same thing after I finish a manuscript draft. This lets you eventually re-approach the story with fresh eyes. During these periods, since I’m not physically writing, my nights are freer. I get a lot of reading done with this free time. I love reading, and in my opinion, second to writing itself, it’s the best activity an author can do to get better.

I don’t accomplish much at night on the weekends, though. The vast majority of my reading and writing goes on during the week. I like taking a break on the weekends.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
Every time I finish a draft, I drink a bottle of wine and watch a movie. Always alone. Nobody else allowed.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A professional baseball player.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
I love connecting with readers. Hit me up on social media or shoot me an email about anything you’d like…


Thanks for being here today! All the best with your writing.


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