Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Special interview with humor/memoirist Chelsea Walker Flagg

I have a special interview with Chelsea Walker Flagg about her humorous memoir, I’d Rather Wear Pajamas.

During her virtual book tour, Chelsea will be awarding a $50 Amazon or Barnes and Noble (winner’s choice) gift card to a lucky, randomly drawn winner. To be entered for a chance to win, use the form below. To increase your chances of winning, feel free to visit her other tour stops and enter there, too!

Also, the book will be $0.99 during the tour. See links below.

A little bit about the author:
Chelsea was once obsessed with cats, longed to live in a big city, didn't think she would ever have children, and aspired to be an attorney. She now lives in Boulder, Colorado as a stay-at-home mom and comedic writer with her husband and three daughters. She has no current plans to own a cat.

Please tell us about your latest release.
I’d Rather Wear Pajamas is a funny memoir about stumbling my way through my 20s in order to discover that my path through life is different than what I expected it to be. As the mother to three young girls, being true to yourself is an important topic to me. I wanted to share my experiences with them, but didn’t want it to be too heavy or preachy. So, it came out funny and light-hearted instead, which is much more true to who I am. So far, it’s gotten great reviews and feedback. I couldn’t be more thrilled with how it’s all turning out.

Excerpt from I’d Rather Wear Pajamas:
“FTL’s biggest client was a fabric design company that made nothing but Hawaiian prints. I’m actually pretty sure they no longer make anything, but rather spend good chunks of their time suing other companies who copy their designs. For me, it meant perusing catalogues and clothing websites in search of items with designs similar to this company’s retired fabrics. How great a job is that, by the way? I was getting paid to look for shirts with palm trees and hibiscus flowers on them. This whole law thing was too good to be true.

My best assignment came when FTL caught wind that a men’s underwear line was infringing on our client’s design name. She came by and dropped a stack of male lingerie catalogues (yes, they exist) on my desk to go through in search of this name. I spent the better part of a week looking at pictures at mostly-naked men with socks stuffed in their skivvies.

Nobody knew what to do with me. On one hand, studying oiled-up men in scandalous poses just had to be against any number of company policies. On the other hand, I was legitimately doing work in an effort to make the law firm money, so they couldn’t discourage it. In the end, they just left me alone. And that’s how I learned that you can buy men’s briefs with pre-padded butt cheeks.”

Do you ever wish you were someone else? Who?
I used to want to be Audrey Hepburn because she’s just so dang adorable. She’s one of those people you just want to pick up and put in your pocket, you know? I love how quirky she is and how she can do anything, no matter how goofy, and it only endears you more to her. Plus, that British accent.

What did you do on your last birthday?
I take my birthdays very seriously. Very. Seriously. We were in Costa Rica for my birthday last year getting peed on by monkeys. Truth.

What part of the writing process do you dread?
The part where I have to reread my work again for the hundredth time to make sure everything looks okay. When you’re writing humor, there’s a really fine line between being funny and just being stupid. After reading your own jokes over and over again, they all just start to sound really stupid to you.

Do you ever suffer from writer’s block? If so, what do you do about it?
Sure, who doesn’t? When I’m having a hard time writing, I snap my fingers and a whole team of people comes out to pour me a glass of wine and give me a massage. Wouldn’t that be nice? But really, I close my computer and come back to it later (usually around 3am when a good idea wakes me up).


Book links:  The book will be $0.99 during the tour.

Thanks, Chelsea!


  1. What is the most embarrassing book you have ever read? |

  2. Thanks for hosting me and my book today, Lisa! Excited to be here :)

  3. Fun interview!


  4. Sounds like you had an awesome birthday last year.. pee and all... because even if you were getting peed on you were still in Costa Rica!!! :D

  5. Thank you for the post and the giveaway!

  6. Great interview! This book sounds like such a fun and exciting read! Totally looking forward to reading this book!


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