Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Special excerpt from romantic suspense Sedona Sunset by Tanya Stowe

Today is a special book excerpt feature for the inspirational romantic suspense novel, Sedona Sunset by Tanya Stowe.

During her virtual book tour, Tanya will be awarding a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble (winner’s choice) gift card to a randomly drawn lucky winner. To be entered for a chance to win, use the form below. To increase your chances of winning, feel free to visit her other tour stops and enter there, too!

Tanya Stowe is an author of Christian Fiction with an unexpected edge. She fills her stories with the unusual…gifts of the spirit and miracles, mysteries and exotic travel, even an angel or two. No matter where Tanya takes you…on a journey to the Old West or to contemporary adventures in foreign lands…be prepared for the extraordinary.

A little bit about Sedona Sunset:
After an auto accident leaves her crippled and takes her mother’s life, Lara Fallon completes her mother’s dream of opening a school and offering scholarships to promising young artists. Although Lara is struggling with survivor’s guilt, she is thrilled that Alexander Summers, world-renown Flamenco player and professor of art, will perform at the grand opening of The Fallon School of Art. But Alex has a secret. He investigates art theft for UNESCO, and when pieces of Chaco pottery suddenly appear on the black market, Alex is certain The Fallon School of Art is a cover for this illegal operation. He’s determined to uncover the link...even if it means romantically pursuing the lovely Lara Fallon. Alex’s investigation leads him on collision course with Lara’s inner struggle to cope with her mother’s death and her own wavering faith in God. Now, Lara’s school and her heart are in danger. But is her life as well?

Excerpt from Sedona Sunset:
Millie shrugged. “I get feelings, know things I shouldn’t know.”

“You mean you’re psychic?” Lara asked.

“No. Jesus is a close personal friend, and I talk to Him a lot.”

The sincerity in the woman’s tone stopped Lara from laughing. “Lots of people say the words, but I believe He really is your friend.”

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?

  2. What an awesome cover! This sounds like a great book! Thank you for the terrific post and contest!

  3. I agree, Lee Woo. The real love comes from what's inside. Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Mai, as a child I wanted to be a writer. I wrote my first book when I was 11.

  5. Thanks for following, Betty! I love the cover.

  6. I would really like to read this book. Is it available in hard back?

  7. Sounds like a great book and the cover is so pretty! Thanks for sharing!

  8. Hi Rita and Eva! Thanks for following.

  9. Mom Jane, Sedona Sunset is available in a print version but it's a soft back market size not a hard back. There's also an ecopy. I hope you enjoy it!

  10. Thank you for hosting, Lisa! I enjoyed visiting with your readers.


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