Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Interview with spiritual author Ezreaonne Jackson

Today’s special guest is spiritual writer, Dr. Ezreaonne Jackson to chat with us about her new book, The Secret Mandate of Rahab.

Retired from being a Senior Pastor and refocused to oversee her Spiritual daughter’s pastoral mandate, Dr. Ezreaonne Jackson embraces a new chapter in her life.  Her endeavors are to further her education to include Marketing and Media, serve her community, utilize life coaching skills, embark on International ministry and expand her literary expressions. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Theological Studies from the Regency Christian College in Jacksonville, Florida and received an Honorary Doctorate in Ministry from Trinity Bible College in Richmond, VA.

Dr. Ezreaonne Jackson’s message is one that is precise in the strategy of developing and defining vision and purpose.

Welcome, Ezraonne. Please tell us about your current release.
The Secret Mandate of Rehab is an intimate awe-inspiring Memoir of some of the critical pivotal and crucial events that shaped young years of my life written with intentions to draw the readers into facing the secrets of despair in the own lives and walking them to the light of freedom from those traumas that have hindered them from being the great person they are intended to be. I reached into the life of a great biblical woman named Rahab of the Old Testament that was a prostitute in her generation, but through the providence of the God of Israel was instrumental in helping the Jewish nation strategize the demise of the great fortress Jericho. Her life was rewarded with becoming the ancestor of the Ancient King David and Jesus Christ was born through her bloodline.

What inspired you to write this book?
As an expositor of the gospel and public speaker I was always referring to historical persons and realized that my life was so parallel to many of the women in scripture and several great black motivators of freedom that I had come to love and appreciate. Many have been inspired by Biblical characters like Rahab, Hannah, Bathsheba, Deborah, Martha, and Mary. Heroines like Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Susan B. Anthony, Cosmonaut Ellen Baker, Civil Right Activist Rosa Parks, Condoleeszza Rice, and the plethora or women in all facets of life who are movers and shakers. I believed that I had something to contribute to the world that would cause a change to propel innovation and advancement.

“My rage went underground seething in its apparent thoughts of injustice and anger regarding my relationship with my father and the lost innocence and deprivation of affection from a parent. It would visit me again after salvation.” A Fit of Rage, Chapter 7, Page 43

What exciting story are you working on next?
Church Folks. It is a true story told as a novel of the emotional roller-coaster antics of the institution church and how it has effected its aggregation over the last 30 years.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I had never considered myself a writer. Writer was required for my speaking engagements and workshops. After stubbing through my thoughts and nights of earnest study I found a place to release my message through writing. If writing found it place in academia, I knew that I could release emotional anguishes of my heart through the pen.

Do you write full-time? If so, what's your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
No, I do not write full time though the thought of writing is constantly on my mind. I am a gospel preacher, Bishop, spiritual coach and mentor.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
Bringing the relevance to the reader and allowing them to express their moment of realization.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I think I thought of being a nurse but my childhood was snatch so faced I did not dream much.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
These interviews are interesting as I am realizing new entities about myself that lie dormant and have surface to open windows of opportunity for me.

Social links:

Thank you, Ezreaonne.

Tour hosted by Write Now Literary 

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