Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Interview with Christian fiction author Vanessa Miller

Today's guest is Christian fiction author Vanessa Miller. She's here to share a bit about herself and her newest novella, Escape to Love. You can find out more about Vanessa and visit other tour stops through this Write Now Literary link

Vanessa Miller of Dayton, Ohio, is a best-selling author, playwright, and motivational speaker. Her stage productions include: Get You Some Business, Don’t Turn Your Back on God, and Can’t You Hear Them Crying. Vanessa is currently in the process of turning the novels in the Rain Series into stage productions.

Vanessa has been writing since she was a young child. When she wasn’t writing poetry, short stories, stage plays and novels, reading great books consumed her free time. However, it wasn’t until she committed her life to the Lord in 1994 that she realized all gifts and anointing come from God. She then set out to write redemption stories that glorify God.

To date, Vanessa has completed the Rain and Storm Series. She is currently working on the Forsaken series, Second Chance at Love series and a single title, Long Time Coming.

Vanessa believes that each book will touch readers across the country in a special way. It is, after all, her God-given destiny to write and produce plays and novels that bring deliverance to God’s people. These books have received rave reviews, winning Best Christian Fiction Awards and topping numerous Bestseller’s lists.

Welcome, Vanessa. What inspired you to write this book?
Escape to Love is the fifth novella in the Praise Him Anyhow series. I started writing this series after I went through a terrible time in my life where I lost my ability to praise God. These books were written to show us all... that no matter what we go through... how many things that try to come against us, if we keep our praise, God will bring us out.

What exciting story are you working on next?
I just finished How Sweet the Sound, my gospel historical which will release to stores in March of 2014. I am currently writing an inspirational romance for Whitaker House. The title is Feels Like Heaven (not sure if that title will hold). It will release to bookstores in June 2014. I also have four more stories that will be releasing in the Praise Him Anyhow series. So, I am definitely staying busy.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
In 2003 when my held my first book, Former Rain in my hand. I remember sitting on my stairs, gazing at the book with tears in my eyes. Because on that day I knew I had finally entered into my purpose for being on earth. I may not have those same amazed feeling as each book releases these days, but I have never lost my gratefulness to God, for allowing me to walk in my purpose.

Do you write full-time? If so, what's your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I’ve been writing full-time since 2005 and I am thankful that God has been faithful in sending readers for the books that I write.

My writing schedule depends on if I’m on deadline or not. If I’m not on deadline I write from about 9 - 4. If I’m on deadline, I write all day and all night. I can become really consumed with writing because once I develop a character and get him or her into all kinds of trouble, I’m normally anxious to see how God is going to get my character out of the trouble I created for them. I read my Bible, looking for scripture to use in the book... the scriptures must match my theme, or I don’t use them. I am a Christian fiction author, but I try not to preach too much... I try to let me characters lead the way as they are being lead to a deeper relationship with God.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I don’t have any quirks with my writing that I can think of. Now in my personal life, my family thinks I have a bit of OCD because I can’t stand for things to be out of place. But I’m really not as bad as they say... really, I’m not. :-)

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Even as a child I always knew I wanted to write. I had no clue that I would become a Christian fiction writer, but I wouldn’t trade what I do for anything else in the world.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
I would just to thank all of my readers and to ask anyone who hasn’t read any of the books in this series yet, to give the Praise Him Anyhow series a chance. I also appreciate feedback, so feel free to email me at: or write a review on for one of the books.

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Thanks, Vanessa!

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