Friday, February 22, 2013

Virtual book blast for Untangling the Knot by Deanne Wilsted

Today, the blog is a virtual tour stop for Deanne Wilsted as she promos her sweet contemporary romance with some inspirational elements novel, Untangling the Knot.

Deanne will be awarding a $10 Amazon or gift card (winner's choice) to a lucky person. Enter to win using the form below.

Blurb for Untangling the Knot:  
“I did what?”

Twenty-eight year old Gabriella Bessu is St. Therese’s meticulous wedding ceremony coordinator. So the fact that she has mistakenly signed her newest couple up for an annulment, rather than a wedding, sends her Catholic guilt into overdrive.

But who can blame her? The groom is gorgeous and his two kids tug at Gabriella’s heart in a way that overcomes all her best intentions. Before long she’s in over her head, fixing her mixed-up plans and helping the children and dad come to terms with their haunting grief for the mother and wife they lost years earlier.

Can Gabriella untangle her own fears and accept the messy life that God has handed them?

Excerpt from Untangling the Knot:
Mandy’s accusations rang through Gabriella’s mind and guilt practically doubled her over. She dropped her bags inside the door and went into the bathroom to splash cold water on her face. The image that met her in the mirror had shame written all over it.

What had she been thinking? Ryan and the kids belonged to Mandy and she had been acting like a lovesick teenager. Scenes from the beach flashed through her mind; Ryan’s smiles at her and the desire she’d had to reach out and kiss him. Filled with self-loathing, she shook her head to get rid of the images.

Her dropped bags at the front door mocked her, so she picked them up and dragged them to her bedroom then crumpled onto the bed. One hand over her eyes, she let the images flood her. With her free hand she reached over and switched on her radio hoping to block out the accusing voices in her head. Her favorite news show was quizzing celebrities on the week’s news, but something about their conversation alarmed her. It took a moment to realize what it was.

She stared at the radio, stunned. If Whose News was on, it meant it was Sunday . . . Sunday!

And, for the first time in years, Gabriella had forgotten to go to Mass.

Author information:
With an English teacher for a mom, Deanne Wilsted, grew up reciting conjugation instead of nursery rhymes. Now, forty years later, she's sharing that special skill through her writing and her mothering. Her first book, a contemporary romance called Betting Jessica, was released October 2011. Her second novel, Untangling the Knot, is now available from Soul Mate Publishing. She is currently marketing her third book for publication and writing her fourth, fifth, and sixth while blogging about the crazy stuff she overhears while writing.


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  1. As Deanne's husband I should probably be a bit careful about answering the question of which tangled knots I've gotten into... most have probably involved doing, or not doing, something I was supposed to do. I can say I've read her book though, and given that I mostly read thrillers, I still really enjoyed it. Some of the scenes reminded me of problems we had with our own wedding.... not mentioning specifics (wedding reading).

  2. Hi Lisa... It is cracking me up that my husband beat me to commenting:>) I'm so glad he is one of my top supporters.

    Thank you so much for hosting me today. I am excited to hear what sorts of tangled up knots your readers have experienced in their lives so I will check back and reply to their comments and questions. In the meantime, thanks for sharing the journey.

  3. How neat that your husband left a comment. My tangled knots have to do with trying to please too many people so no one gets hurt feelings.



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