Thursday, October 13, 2011

Interview with romance author KC Klein

Today's guest is on a virtual book tour through Goddess Fish Promotions. KC Klein is here to talk about her debut release, Dark Future, among other things.

KC is giving away a $25 gift certificate to one commenter at the end of the tour, and an e-book copy of her book to one commenter at EVERY stop. Details are below.

KC, welcome to Reviews and Interviews.
Thank you, Lisa, for inviting me to your blog. I’m really excited to be here and love the opportunity to connect with readers. Readers, for a chance to win an eBook of my debut novel, Dark Future, just say hi below.

KC, please tell us a little bit about Dark Future.
My book is a sci-fi, dystopian romance. It’s hot. It’s sexy. And I had a ton of fun writing it.

What inspired you to write this book?
It’s the same thing that inspires all my writing—characters. I wanted to create a world where my hardened, untrusting hero could be himself without being hated. So I had to create a world just as cold and gritty as he was. Of course, I needed to make things tough for him, so my heroine needed to be just as independent, but also someone who loves a more pampered lifestyle—French manicures, specialty coffee, and Egyptian cotton sheets. How do I make these two characters exist in the same world? Simple, I had the heroine be sent from our time to my hero’s world of the future. Isn’t fiction grand?

What exciting story are you working on next?
Next for me is an anthology that I am writing with two other talented authors—Erin Kellison, who writes the Shadow Series, and Jessa Slade who writes the Marked Souls series. We have decided it is going to be (in Jessa’s words) a “sci-fi bodice ripper.” When I heard the description I couldn’t wait to get on board. Our goal is to write some really sexy, fun stories that give readers a peek into the different sides of us.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
When I realized I would rather write then do just about anything else, including reading. Which is saying a lot because I LOVE to read.

Do you write full-time? If so, what's your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
Ahh, every writer’s dream—to write full-time. I can only wish that one day I will be that fortunate. But really, until I get there, my schedule is still pretty conducive to writing. I work two days a week outside the home. My kids are in full-day school, so on my writing days I get up, work-out, and write for about five hours. After picking up the kids from school, my computer is put away for the day. Sometimes if I am lucky I can sneak it back out after they go to bed, but that’s a bonus if it happens.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I don’t think it’s that interesting, but my critique partner is forever saying that my quirk is very weird. I write all my books long hand. Yes, as in paper and pencil. I get a new notebook for each book and try to write seven pages a day. Then I transfer them into the computer and edit from there. And yes, the mystery as to why I am such a slow writer is solved.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I really wish I could answer this question with a bit more flare. Maybe I could lie and say that I always had a dream of being a concert pianist or a prima ballerina, but the truth is from the first Judy Blume book, Super Fudge, I read at age seven, I wanted to be a writer.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
Just that I hope readers find my book as enjoyable to read as I did to write. I always love to hear from fans, what they are reading, what they like, and what they want to see more of. I’m on Facebook and Twitter and love to be distracted from housework. People can also learn more about me at my website and blog.

KC, thank you for being here today. Happy writing!

Readers, KC is giving away a $25 gift certificate to one commenter at the end of the tour, and an e-book copy of her book to one commenter at EVERY stop. So, follow the tour and comment. The more you comment, the better your chances of winning something.


  1. I could do with more of the pampered lifestyle myself.


  2. I'm impressed with writing a book out in longhand. I would think it helps a lot with editing if you are forced to actually read the book as you are typing it all into the computer where if you were just rereading on the computer you probably could miss a lot of mistakes.

    melorabrock {at} gmail {dot} com

  3. Ah...a 'sci-fi bodice ripper'..sounds like a winning combination to me! "I'll buy that for a dollar"...remember what sci-fi film that phrase was from?

  4. Thank you so much for telling us about about your new book and yourself, KC! I am so looking forward to reading your book!


  5. "I'll buy that for a dollar." ... The Running Man, with that 'condom stuffed with walnuts', Mr. Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger

    ... I love how time travel is so ... versatile ... interesting switcheroo would've been the hero as the pampered parakeet.

  6. I love that she writes long hand. It's so nostalgic...I commend her!

    deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

  7. Thank you everyone for your comments. I hope that you all enjoy reading Dark Future. The day job got it the way of my writing career so I am a tad behind. Will be picking the winner shortly.

  8. Congrats goes to Vivien for winning the free copy of my e book. Thanks everyone for participating. Happy reading!!!
    And if you didn't win no big deal, my book is still on sale until the end of this week for .99cents. Thanks everyone!!!!
    Stay tuned for the winner of the $25 gift card.


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