Friday, June 10, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award recipient

How cool is this? Reviews and Interviews has received the Stylish Blogger Award from Dallas Woodburn.

Thank you, Dallas for recognizing my blog with this award. I've interviewed Dallas a few times here (she has so much going on that one interview just didn't cut it), and she was also a gracious guest at The Writer's Chatroom recently. She's a constant source of inspiration for writers. I hope you'll visit her site and see all that she's been up to. She's a college student, runs her own non-profit that inspires kids to read, and still finds time to write and publish stories, articles, and novels.

This is a pay-it-forward type of award. So I get to pass it along to 7 others. There are so many stylishly inspirational blogs that have my attention but here are my 7 picks for the Stylish Blogger Award, in no particular order:

Wendy Thomas' Lessons Learned from the Flock
Warren and Betsy Talbot's Married with Luggage
Hope Clark's blog C. Hope Clark
Sage Cohen's The Path of Possibility
Jon Winokur's Advice to Writers
Kelly James-Enger's Dollars and Deadlines
Jennifer Mattern's All Freelance Writing

And also as part of the award, I get to share 7 things you might not know about me. Here you go:
* Coffee has always been my favorite flavor of ice cream, but amazingly I didn't start drinking coffee until a few years ago - and that's only because I started spending a lot of time writing in a cafe
* I grew up behind a wild animal farm and was awoken every morning by the growls of lions, and tigers, and, yes, bears
* I made snow cones at a race track concession stand as a teen - it was great to play with ice on hot summer nights :)
* I won several top candlepin bowling trophies from my teens through 20s, even had a couple sweet double strikes
* I would love to be able to travel back in time
* I collect sea glass when I'm at the ocean
* I get motion sick when contra dancing

Thanks, again, Dallas for the award!


  1. Lisa, thank you for the award! It always jazzes ME when a writer says they like something I've posted. :)

    I'm always curious when people say they'd like to travel back in time. If anything, I would go to the future!

    When and where would you go and why?

  2. Your travel posts always tell a story and I plan to hit the road in the next few years and do something similar (but I'll be staying in the States).

    If I went to the future I might be tempted to change something. :)

    I'd like to travel back to the time of the settlers - various times and places - back to the basics of a 'simple' life that wasn't easy, but was full of fresh air and creativity and new discoveries.

  3. Congrats, Lisa, and thank you for naming Dollars and Deadlines! I want to be as helpful as possible for nonfiction freelancers, and I really appreciate the mention. :)

  4. My pleasure, Kelly. I think you're achieving your goal. :)


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