Friday, March 4, 2011

Virtual tour stop for mystery author Yvonne Eve Walus

Reviews and Interviews is participating in a whirlwind, multi-stop, one day extravaganza to celebrate the release of Yvonne Eve Walus' newest mystery Murder @ Play, the prequel to the first book in her Christine Chamberlain murder series, Murder @ Work. Yvonne will be visiting several blogs today and giving away a $10 Amazon gift certificate to a randomly drawn commenter.

Please tell us about your current release.
In the new free South Africa of 1994, men are still boss, women carry handguns for self-protection, and some mistakes can change your life forever.

When a body is found during their weekend away with friends, Christine Chamberlain must use her brilliant mathematical mind to prove her husband's innocence...

... whether he's innocent or not.

When it comes to your loved ones, is it possible to know too much?

What inspired you to write this book?
Having lived in South Africa for 16 years, I realize it’s not the most popular country in the world. It’s definitely had its fair share of negative publicity - and rightly so, with its apartheid politics and chauvinist attitudes. Nevertheless, it’s a beautiful land with beautiful people, people who are not so different from you or me. South Africans of the apartheid era had been brainwashed into not questioning the wisdom of the government, but deep inside, they weren’t evil. That’s what I wanted to show in Murder @ Play.

That, and to have a great time in a huge mansion with a warm swimming pool, sauna, servants, and a weekend among friends away from everyday worries.

What exciting story are you working on next?
I’ve just finished the edits on another South African murder mystery, this one set in 1982. Within the structure of a classic whodunit, I explore the question of patriotism and what it means to different people. I firmly believe that most heroes and villains are made by circumstances, not by their genetic makeup. When you read the book, I hope you agree.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
Not until I held my first full-length novel in my hands. Everything that came before that - anthologies, photo shoots, award ceremonies and money - meant nothing. Sad and silly, but true.

Do you write full-time? If so, what's your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I wish I could earn enough from my book sales to write full-time! Until such time, though, I have a day job. I also have a young family, which means most of my evening and weekend time is spent with them. Writing happens in the dead of night, when everybody else is asleep. It’s a great atmosphere in which to be writing murder mysteries!

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I write in bits and pieces. Chapter 1, then a scene that will eventually be part of Chapter 5, then a fragment that doesn’t fit anywhere but I like it so I’ll change my plot to accommodate it. Fellow writers call me crazy… to my face. I wonder what they call me behind my back!

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Definitely not a writer! I knew that writers had to come up with original ideas, and I was far too unimaginative for that. Which only goes to show, creativity is something that can be developed.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
If you like in murder mysteries, please check out mine, and if you enjoy them, tell the world about it!

(If you don’t enjoy them, tell the world about it anyway - there is no such thing as bad publicity.)

Speaking of bad publicity. My 6-year old:
“Mom, what are your books basically about?”
“Hmm. Some are about people who fall in love and get married.”
“Oh, yuk!”
“Others are about a baddy who kills somebody, and a detective who tries to find out who’d done it and solves the mystery....”
“Wow, that’s cool, Mom.”

Out of the mouths of babes.... Murder trumps romance any day!

Here's the video book trailer for Murder @ Play.

Folks can learn more about me and my writing through my blog, and can find me on Facebook.

Thanks for stopping by, Yvonne!

Readers, comment below and then follow the tour and comment on other posts today to increase your chance of winning the $10 Amazon gift card. The tour stops can be found here.


  1. Thank you for hosting me today. And, I have a question: what do the readers think about murder mysteries versus romance?

  2. Glad to have you here, Yvonne. My favorite read is a mystery, with a dab of romance. I like trying to figure the mystery out, but also enjoy the personal life of the character and how it balances or makes the sleuth's job more difficult.

  3. Very well put, Lisa. Who are some of your favourite authors?


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