Monday, March 14, 2011

Guest blogger Su Halfwerk - The Making of Intricate Entanglement

Today we have author Su Halfwerk sharing about writing Intricate Entanglement.

The Making of Intricate Entanglement
by guest blogger Su Halfwerk

Intricate Entanglement is a horror novella with an underlying layer of a psychological thriller. It’s made up of seven stories, or eight, depending on how you look at it after reading the book.

It started off as a bunch of short horror stories I wrote for no specific reason. Usually, I outline my stories roughly, keeping in mind that change will persevere over all planning. This time I had no clue what I would do with these shorties once I finished them. They were too short to stand on their own, and there was an aftermath kind of a feeling to each ending, like each needed a bit more. Each main character spoke his or her story, whispered it in my ears, and like a fevered maniac, I typed until I effaced my fingerprints. Well, not really, but you get the picture. However, these characters left out a very important, yet inaccessible element.

There are no typical days for this gal; I balance my writing with house chores and taking care of my family, just like a juggler, but I’m usually a sound sleeper. It came as no surprise when I couldn’t sleep that night. After struggling with the pillow and pulling the cover off my husband for no good reason, he kicked me out of the bedroom for a good reason. He couldn’t sleep. So I sulked in front of my laptop. You see, when my characters are in a huff, I tease them by outlining the next book. They come rushing then, worried they’ll miss their turn to tell their stories.

Nothing came to me that night. Not by holding a pencil on a notepad or by poising my fingers on the keyboard. I was blank, and it was because of these short stories. They had something in common; I could almost feel it, smell it, but couldn’t name it.
I did some more research on the factor/s they all had in common, and BINGO! I hit the mother lode. Insanity and perverse view of the world were the missing elements! Of course, none of my characters would admit to that. How could they? They told me their stories as they believed them to be.

I stayed up all night, studying each case, matching each character’s behavior to its equivalent in disorders.

I went back to bed and slept like a log.

Next day, I saw my handiwork, twisted individual stories with an interlaced thread of insanity. I did more research by approaching mental hospitals and speaking to psychiatrists, or at the least the ones willing to answer my questions.

When the novella was done, I transformed my words into moving images along with a suitable musical score and weaved the whole thing into a book trailer.

As much as what I listed above sounds like a struggle, I adore every aspect of writing — well, the promotion a bit less, but it gives me the chance to meet and connect with readers and other authors. Intricate Entanglement is no different. Like pregnancy, some deliveries are smooth and others are worse that a root canal without anesthesia.

It was worth it, though. Life is good :-)

You can read an excerpt and find out more about Intricate Entanglement here.

Lisa, thank you so much for allowing me the space and time on your blog, I truly appreciate the opportunity. I hope your readers will enjoy reading this post as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Author Bio:
Su Halfwerk writes in the horror and paranormal romance genres. From a tender age, the written word left a strong impression on her, later on terrifying, blood-chilling books became the object of her interest. Su’s style in horror combines shuddery terror with elements of surprise; some would even call it an enigmatic twist. In the world of paranormal romance, she transforms the desire to scare into a quest to seduce and tantalize.

When not writing, Su is designing book trailers for herself and other authors.
Intricate Entanglement is Su’s latest release from Damnation Books, a mix of a thriller with an overlay of maddening darkness.

You can find Su online in any of these places:


  1. Lisa,
    Thank you again for the opportunity to share my experience with your readers.

  2. Very intriguing story. thanks for sharing.

  3. Glad to have you here as a guest blogger, Su. :)

  4. For Su, What a great "process"! Amazing how they speak to you, isn't it?
    To Lisa's readers:
    I blogged here a month ago about my new book, THE DEAD DETECTIVE AGENCY. It has been reshuffled in my publisher's line-up and is now scheduled for APRIL 1,2011. The crazy world of publishing!! However, in the meantime, it did get a great review, which you can see at
    Paperback preorders get an autographed copy.
    Peg Herring

  5. @Lisa: Careful or I might visit again ;-)

    They do speak to us, loud and clear. :-)
    I was curious about "The Dead Detective Agency" and checked out your link. What an intriguing concept. I've added it to my TBR list.
    Best of luck with your approaching book release.


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