Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Interview with paranormal author Katie Salidas for BK Walker Books virtual book tour

Continuing to host the BK Walker Books Authors Promoting Authors virtual blog tour, today we have paranormal author, Katie Salidas.

Welcome, Katie!

Please tell us about your current release.
Immortalis Carpe Noctem follows Alyssa as she struggles to come to terms with a terrifying new reality. Mugged and left bleeding to death she is saved by the most unlikely of characters, a vampire. Becoming a vampire isn’t as easy as movies have made it. Alyssa has a hard time with the change and fights to hold on to her humanity.

What inspired you to write this book?
Is it too cliché to say I got the idea from a dream? I know many authors say this, but it is true. The original concept for the idea came from a dream. I was, essentially, Alyssa, having my life turned upside down after a terrible accident. The idea of really focusing on the transformation was one I couldn’t give up. Questions kept popping into my head. How would you deal with being turned into a vampire? How would you deal with drinking blood? How would you deal with never seeing your friends or family again? The answers came as the story progressed.

What exciting story are you working on next?
Immortalis Carpe Noctem is the first book in this series. Hunters & Prey is the next in line and continues to follow Alyssa as she fumbles through immortality. Here is the official blurb:

When Alyssa was turned she was told she could never again see her mortal friends. She was resigned to this fate, until a chance run in with Santino Vitale, thought to be dead, causes her to rely on a mortal friend for protection, trusting that no hunter would attack in public.

By doing so she has broken vampire law and finds out that divulging vampire secrets harms everyone involved. Because of her actions, she's now drawn her friend into the struggle between vampires and hunters, a fact that has her clan calling for punishment.

But there are bigger dangers looming on the horizon, more pressing than a mere mortal’s knowledge of vampires. The Acta Sanctorum is ready to attack again. It will take everyone, working together and an unlikely truce, to fight against the newest threat, the Frenzy Soldiers.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
I think it was after I finished the 10th draft of Immortalis. Writing had taken over. I ate, breathed, and dreamed of writing. How could I not call myself a writer after that? lol.

Do you write full-time? If so, what’s your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I do treat writing like a full time job. A night job if you will. I’m a nocturnal creature by nature, like my vampires. I tend to do much of my actual writing a night. I need a certain type of quiet to write. Family takes up my day and once the house is quiet and the munchkin and the hubby are all tucked into bed, I go to work. I’ve been known to be up until the very wee hours of the morning working on my various stories.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
Not sure how interesting it is, but I almost always have music on when I write. Music helps me, set the mood. For example, if I am writing a sexy love scene, I need music that “feels” sexy. If I am writing an action scene, I need fast paced music with a strong beat.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
Oddly enough, I wanted to be a veterinarian. I had never considered writing as a career. Sure I loved to write stories, but I figured that was a secondary thing. The fates saw otherwise and writing became my primary focus. I still love animals though. You’ll be happy to know no animals were harmed in the making of my stories.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
I love to interact with my fellow writers and fans. I welcome everyone to please drop by my facebook page and say, hi. I am there regularly, asking random questions, and posting snippets of current and upcoming work. You can also find out about any current promotions and giveaways there as well.

If you are interested in a copy of Immortalis Carpe Noctem, please stop by the Web site. You can also visit my blog.

Thank you for your time today and I wish you well on the blog tour!

Leave a comment to be entered into a drawing to win one of several gifts from promoter of this VBT, BK Walker. Gifts include: a $25 Visa Gift Card, book light,a free-of-charge virtual book tour, or one writing package which includes a journal, pen, book light, and book marker.

My next guest for the tour is May 26, Denise Verrico

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for having me on your blog today! It's been a pleasure chatting with you!

    ~Katie Salidas


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