Sunday, September 30, 2007

Review - Owen Fiddler by Marvin D. Wilson

Owen Fiddler
Written by: Marvin D. Wilson
Rated: Very Good (****)
Review by: Lisa Haselton

Describing Owen Fiddler as an interesting portrayal of how one’s actions can impact others lives, is truthful, but lacking. This novel is a character-driven tale of one man’s negative existence. The reader is challenged to find any redeeming qualities in the main character, Owen Fiddler. He is not a man many would befriend.

Owen Fiddler is not a happy man. The world is against him every step of his life. Everyone can relate to a bad day. There are just days when you wake up and nothing goes as it should. Owen Fiddler experiences that every day. He has no good days. Therefore, none of his actions are his fault. He’d be happy if the world would just let him.

The story is entertaining on the page, but it is deeper for those who want to look. Whether you are spiritual, religious, atheist, or totally unwilling to accept there is more to living than what is experienced here on earth, this novel will resonate.

Marvin Wilson has created a colorful cast of characters in Owen Fiddler. The reader experiences the world as Owen goes through it. The author focuses on a few central characters which allows the reader to see the same situation from different perspectives. It’s an engaging novel and the reader is grabbed with the opening sentence.

I recommend reading Owen Fiddler for a spiritual perspective on life that will cause you to think about your own actions and behavior. Whether or not you believe in God, a higher being, heaven, or any type of life after death, you will walk away from this novel having at least been inspired to glimpse the possibility.

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