Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Book blurb for historical romance novel A Grave Inheritance by Kari Edgren

Today's special feature is the historical romance and fantasy novel, A Grave Inheritance by Kari Edgren.

During her tour with Goddess Fish Promotions, Kari will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble gift card to a lucky winner. To be entered for a chance to win, use the form below.  To increase your chances of winning, feel free to visit her other tour stops and enter there, too.

Blurb about A Grave Inheritance:
Selah Kilbrid may descend from the goddess Brigid, but her heart beats—and breaks—the same as any human. Yet enduring the scorn of London's most noble lords and ladies is a small price to pay for a chance at true happiness. Selah would endure much more for love, and her betrothed, Lord Henry Fitzalan, is prepared to challenge anyone foolish enough to stand in their way—even another goddess born.

But when a captivating young gentleman draws Selah into a world shadowed by secrets, she is forced to confront her darkest fears. What if some differences are too great to overcome and a future with Henry is doomed from the start?

With these doubts threatening her impending marriage, a violent attack on an innocent child pushes Selah to the very edge of her power. She must find a way to cross into the Otherworld and regain her strength—or forfeit the streets of London to death and disease.

Excerpt from A Grave Inheritance:
Shifting my weight, I subtly gathered a large handful of silk skirts. Then in one deft movement, I turned to face Henry, planting one knee on either side of the cushion and straddling his lap.

His initial astonishment eased to a grin, and I leaned closer until our lips almost touched. “I suggest a duel.”

Henry didn’t even blink. “Gladly. I shall have my second visit Lord Stroud in the morning.”

I tightened my knees around his thighs. “You misunderstand, Lord Fitzalan. I have just challenged you to a duel. Do you accept?”

He studied me for a moment. “I’ve never faced a woman before.” Firelight played against his skin, illuminated the mix of curiosity and amusement in his eyes. “Which weapons do you propose?”

“Hmmm. What shall it be? Swords or pistols at twenty paces?” My body thrummed with excitement, and I had to exert every bit of self-control not to press myself against him.

“I’ve always preferred swords à l’outrance,” he said, his voice noticeably deeper.

“To first blood?”

“To the uttermost.” His warm breath brushed my lips. “Does that suit you, my lady?”

Henry moved his head forward to claim my mouth, but I pulled back just out of reach. “Oh, no,” I laughed. “I’ll be using an even more deadly weapon.” I tightened my knees once more as Brigid’s fire flared to life inside me.

“And what would that be? I’ve heard the only suitable weapon for women is either poison, or their…” His voice trailed off and he swallowed hard.

I leaned closer to whisper in his ear. “Shall I show you?”

His hands gripped my back as a low growl sounded from deep inside his throat. “Yes, please…”

Author bio and links:
Kari Edgren is the author of the Goddess Born series. In 2010 and 2011 she was a semifinalist for the Amazon Break Through Novel Award. In 2013, she was a RWA Golden Heart finalist. Ms. Edgren enjoys writing both historical and contemporary fiction, so long as there’s a spark of paranormal. She resides on a mountain top in the Pacific Northwest where she spends a great deal of time dreaming about the sun and torturing her husband and children with strange food and random historical facts.

Buy links and social links

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Interview with author Sean DeLauder

Today’s interview is with author Sean DeLauder. He’s talking about his new sci-fi/fantasty/adventure/satire/philosophical novel, The Least Envied.

During his virtual book tour with Goddess Fish Promotions, Sean will be awarding $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble gift card to a randomly drawn winner. To be entered for a chance to win, use the form below. To increase your chances of winning, feel free to visit his other tour stops and enter there, too.

This author has held several positions in recent years, including Content Writer, Grant Writer, Obituary Clerk, and Staff Writer, and is under the false impression that these experiences have added to his character since they have not contributed much to his finances. He was awarded a BFA in Creative Writing and Journalism and a BA in Technical Communication by Bowling Green State University because they are giving and eager to make friends. He has a few scattered publications with The Circle magazine, Wild Violet, Toasted Cheese, and Lovable Losers Literary Revue, and resides in the drab, northeastern region of Ohio because it makes everything else seem fascinating, exotic, and beautiful.

Welcome, Sean. Please tell us about your current release.
The Least Envied is a hero, mystery, science fiction, adventure story set on a world reduced to a wasteland. Into this world is cast a writer tasked to detail the events of a history gone unrecorded, a boy who wants to be a hero, and a grizzled and cynical winged man who must complete his mission before he can go home. All of these tasks are complicated by the existence of tiny monsters named wogs, a disheveled beast called the Forest Monster, and a being bent on the destruction of what little remains of humanity.

The book presents itself as a humorous adventure in a desolate world, but it shifts, gradually, into something more serious as it becomes apparent that the stakes are much higher than they seem.

I think there are themes in this book everyone can relate to. Not the standard, hackneyed (yet still effective) themes of the importance of friendship and believing in yourself. Rather, there are themes of how one deals with abandonment, by your family, those you care about, even the omnipotent being that created you. How do you respond to that situation? What do you do with yourself? Do you succumb to cynical paralysis? There are themes of frustration with a task that is seemingly impossible, as though designed with failure in mind to shatter one’s faith in oneself. What would a person be like who received such a task and, more importantly, what would they be like if they managed to accomplish it?

I attempt to raise these questions subtly, throughout the book, and they become more prominent as the story wears on, but they are not a distraction. They are merely another lens through which to view the tale and a component of my characters’ development.

What inspired you to write this book?
I’ve always been fascinated by myths and heroes, and by association what Joseph Campbell called “monomyth”, that overarching story arc that forms the backbone, however subtle, of every hero myth. At the same time, I’ve always been one to put a kink in cliché, or eschew it entirely. You’ll definitely see that play out in my book.

“That statue,” said Andrew. He gave the stonework a quick look, then looked back to Hobert. “It's a hero?”

Maybe the statue represented a hero who came before this era of desperation and despair.

Hobert cast a somber gaze into the street and nodded.

“A hero. Yes,” he answered. “He's very tall.”

Andrew found himself suddenly interested. This was the story he wanted to write. A story about a hero, the obstacles he faced on his path to heroism, his guides, his arch enemy, the ultimate goal of being a hero, and, of course, whether the story continued or had an end.

“What made him a hero?”

Hobert shrugged, removed the pipe, and gestured toward the statue with the stem before poking it back into the corner of his mouth.

“He's very tall,” he repeated.

Andrew paused, waiting for Hobert to continue, but that was all.

“Tall... and what else?”

Hobert's smile faded and he faced Andrew, somewhat irritated. Two gray trails of pipe smoke jetted from his nostrils.

“What else what?”

“Beside being tall,” Andrew clarified. “To be a hero.”

Hobert fixed Andrew with a hard, querulous stare, then shook his head as though the question didn't make sense.

“Being tall is being a hero,” he answered.

Andrew grimaced.


“What what?” Hobert replied. “What don’t you understand?”

Andrew spread his arms.


“Oh,” the fellow replied. He leaned back in his chair and pulled his hat down over his eyes. “Then you’re hopeless.”

What exciting story are you working on next?
I’m working on the sequel to this book, A Hero, and then I’ll write the book that comes before this one, A Villain. Highly appropriate and illuminating titles. Where The Least Envied followed the path of a boy who wants to be a hero, A Hero follows the exploits of a hero in the process of discovering the nature of himself and the world he knows, and learning his knowledge is false.

Those familiar with the series will note that I started with book two, am proceeding to book three, and will finish with book one. I promise this is not simply a deliberate effort to aggravate people with obsessive compulsive disorder. It was more out of necessity. The second book is the essentially the trunk from which all the other stories grow. However, I couldn’t list them in the series in the order I was writing them because that wouldn’t make sense. And I couldn’t write the first book that clarifies much of what appears in the second because that wouldn’t make sense either. So I’m writing them in the order that makes the most sense to the person who is most familiar with the material.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
Despite a long-established propensity for writing, being a writer is something to which I will always aspire. I don’t think it’s up to me to determine whether or not I am a writer. I am not who I think I am; I am not who you think I am; I am who I think you think I am. Or so the saying goes. My goal is to make you believe I am not just a competent writer, but a clever and convincing one. At which point I’ll believe it too.

Do you write full-time? If so, what's your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
Writing is my job, yes. Storytelling is something I have to find time to do, however. I’ve done technical writing, course writing, newspaper and magazine articles, and more. Storytelling is my preference, but it’s the one aspect of my writing career that doesn’t create much revenue. Fortunately, the practice of creating people and worlds, and examining their struggles, both internal and external, is rewarding in and of itself.

I also have a wife and two boys, which are my after-work past time. So how do I find time to write? Simple. I don’t sleep. This, as you might expect, has some unfortunate but easily anticipated consequences.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I very much enjoy anthropomorphism. Objects and environments are conscious, or have a purpose suited to their nature. A rock, for example, might revel in its heaviness and do its best to resist being picked up. The sun might hunt for shadows and unload quivers of sunbeams in an effort to penetrate them. This might come through in their depictions or, as in the case for one character in The Least Envied, they may speak to him directly.

I’m not a shaman or Shinto, but I find bringing the world to life around my characters interesting. It’s so much more engaging to think of the inanimate as alive, and it adds a way to explore and understand the world.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I never had a clear idea of a specific career, only that I wanted to be great at something—it seemed like a perfectly acceptable, absolutely nebulous goal, but one I never surrendered. I wanted to be good at the things I did, and I was, with varying degrees of success and recognition. I always excelled at writing, so it made sense that I would gravitate towards a field in which I felt comfortable and competent.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
It’s important that you read my book. Then reread it. No, don’t reread the copy you already own, buy a new one. They need to be… ah… fresh.

Also, I sneeze in threes. When I sneeze more or fewer times I wonder, fleetingly, if it’s a sign that there is something out of balance in the world.


Book excerpt for Game On by Tara C. MacDonald

Today's post for contemporary romance Game On! Never to Love and Never to Love is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author, Tara C. MacDonald will be awarding a print of local art by artist Wendy Beaver of Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada to a randomly drawn commenter during the tour (North American addresses only). Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Game On! Never to Part and Never to Love is an e-book with two short stories. Never to Part features Ryan almost getting run over by Sam at a bar one night. They see each other again as Ryan's hockey team is hiring her marketing firm in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. What can these two confused overachievers do when love strikes. Never to Love brings us to Halifax again where James and Sarah bump heads in a business deal to help out his motocross sponsorship prospects. Will they be able to put business aside and commit to their passions?

Enjoy an excerpt from Never to Love:
James walked into the sports bar after parking his Harley and ordered a Guinness. He silently raised his glass to his ex-fiancée and her cheating ways before gulping it down.

“Another.” He tipped the bartender, a man with his eyes on the local hockey channel.

After the second one he stopped himself and wiped foam from his upper lip as he smelled expensive perfume. He watched as a blond beauty swung open an office door at the back and he heard her heels click as she descended upon the bartender. She tossed her hair and gestured wildly but the old man was ignoring her with his arms crossed. His cronies kept their eyes on the game. James glanced around and realized he was the only one in there. Maybe she was the waitress? His stomach growled and he raised his arm.

“Hey. What’s a guy got to do to get some food around here?”

The blonde turned and gripped the bar rails.

“Sir.” Her voice was like ice. “I am not the waitress. Mike here can let the cook know what you want.”

He frowned at her tone. “Well, you’re here now. I’d like some wings. Hot barbeque. And a poutine. You do that here?”

Her blue eyes seemed to be made of crystal. She took a step forward. Sensing he’d gone too far but unwilling to show his throat to any female, he watched as she shook in rage.

“I got it, son. Sarah, go take a load off, eh? You’re ruining the game,” said the bartender casually without making eye contact.

“There’s no point anymore, Dad,” she muttered. Her shoulders slumped as she turned back to the office she came from.

About the author:
Author Tara C. MacDonald holds a B.A. English Literature from Trent University and has been a member of Romance Writers of America since 2008. Other writing groups such as Scribe Wenches, Romance Writers of Nova Scotia and other RWA chapters have helped her learn her craft. She believes in the hope that romance can bring and reads avidly. Her first published work was as a Co-Author in a non-fiction book called "Succeeding Through Doubt, Fear & Crisis" August 2014 with the eWomenNetwork publishing program.

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Buy the book at Kobo.

Monday, December 29, 2014

Interview with writer, memoirist Megan Cyrulewski

Today’s special guest is memoirist Megan Cyrulewski. She’s doing a virtual book tour with Goddess Fish Promotions for her book, Who Am I? How My Daughter Taught Me to Let Go and Live Again.

During the tour, Megan will be awarding a $50 Amazon gift card to a lucky winner. To be entered for a chance to win, use the form below. To increase your chances of winning, feel free to visit her other tour stops and enter there, too!

Megan Cyrulewski has been writing short stories ever since she was ten-years-old. After attending Grand Valley State University, Megan eventually settled into a career in the non-profit sector for eight years. She decided to change careers and went back to school to get her law degree from Thomas M. Cooley Law School.

While in school, she documented her divorce, child custody battle, and postpartum depression struggles in her memoir from Black Opal Books. Megan lives in Michigan with her 3-year-old daughter who loves to dance, run, read, and have snuggle time with Mommy. Megan also enjoys her volunteer work with Troy Youth Assistance.

Welcome, Megan. Please tell us about your current release.
Who Am I? is about my journey into post-partum depression, anxiety disorder, panic attacks, visits to the psych ward, divorce, domestic violence, law school, and my courageous to survive with my sanity intact—and how a beautiful little girl emerged from all this chaos.

What inspired you to write this book?
Even though a lot of people know what post partum depression is, no one really understands it until she has it. I wanted those women out there to know they are not alone.

Tyler was out of control—I had to stop him from taking my daughter…

Before I could even react, he snatched Madelyne out of my arms and put her in the back of his car. She started to hyperventilate.

“What are you doing?” I screamed.

Tyler ignored me as he tried to strap her in the car seat.

“Tyler! She’s terrified! You can’t do this! Let’s take her to a park or something. She has to calm down before she can go with you!” Was he crazy? How could he do this to his own child?

I squeezed in between him and the doorframe of the car door. “Tyler! Stop!”

“Don’t touch my car!” Tyler screeched as he tried to slam the door shut. I had my leg in between the door and the frame so he couldn’t close the door. I tried reaching Madelyne who was still wailing and howling. It was a horrific sound. All of a sudden, Tyler put me in a chokehold and dragged me from the car. I could see my dad out of the corner of my eye trying to get someone’s, anyone’s, attention.

“Help!” I screamed. “Help me!” But we were parked too far away from the actual police station and since it was Sunday, no one was around. “Someone help me. Please!”

Tyler tightened his arm around my throat. I couldn’t breathe. Oh my God, I thought. He’s going to kill me. Tyler was completely out of control. I knew if I didn’t do something soon, I was going to blackout.

What exciting story are you working on next?
I’m working on a crime fiction novel. I have to put my law degree to use somehow!

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
Probably when I was in college (about 15 years ago.) My major was journalism and my big dream was to write the news.

Do you write full-time? If so, what's your work day like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I split my time between writing and court-related work. I like the balance between the two.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I’m not one of those writers that can sit down and force myself to write. I have to be in the mood and sometimes, I go months without working on my manuscript. But when the mood strikes, watch out! I usually end up writing 50,000 in less than a week.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A history teacher. Then when I observed a classroom for one of my college courses, I was like – hmmm…no thanks!

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?
I’m obsessed with Abraham Lincoln. I have no idea why. I first read about him in 3rd grade and ever since then, it’s my mission in life to learn everything about him.

Thanks, Megan!

Friday, December 26, 2014

Interview with novelist Fanchon Stylezz

Welcome to today’s post. My special guest is novelist Fanchon Stylezz and she’s telling us a bit about her writing and her novel, Heart of Kings.

Fanchon Stylezz was born on February 17 in Far Rockaway, Queens. She and her mother relocated several times before settling down in Long Island, New York. While studying Business Ownership and Money Marketing in high school, Stylezz discovered her true passion for writing. Throughout the years she toyed around with the idea of writing movies, but life had other plans for her. As a single mother of two teens and pregnant with her third child, she decided to take medical classes at Hunter Business School. Fanchon graduated two weeks ahead of her class with a 3.9 GPA, and shortly afterwards gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. What should have been a normal recovery changed Stylezz life forever. Two weeks after giving birth she suffered a massive heart attack and was diagnosed with Coronary Artery Disease and Congestive Heart Failure. An Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator was installed in her chest just to keep her alive. Fanchon Stylezz is a survivor and an advocate for Heart Disease treatment and research. She remains strong-willed and outspoken. Having plenty of free time on her hands, she dug back into her bag of many talents and started writing again.

Welcome Fanchon. Please tell us about your current release.
I released Heart of Kings April 2014. It was the biggest and hardest thing for me to do, reason being I had a stroke in the process of trying to meet my deadline. The doctors told my family that the likelihood of me walking again was very slim to none. I was very determined to get my health back to normal because I had a ton of people waiting for the release of my book.

What inspired you to write this book?
Dealing with a lot of unnecessary drama in my life is what inspired me to write Heart of Kings, I would continuously make the same mistakes. I didn’t have the best relationships either so I decided to write about it. Heart of Kings is about a young girl name Taliyah Russo who gets caught up in a very bad crisis when she makes the wrong decisions after her family’s dark secrets come to light.

Excerpt from Heart of Kings:
I’m not gonna water down or sugarcoat shit for you. My life, as far as I can remember, has always been fucked up. From the day I was born, I’ve been through so much unnecessary shit that at one point I thought about ending it all. For some reason, God didn’t allow that to happen. He wasn’t there to protect me when I needed Him before, so what gave Him the right to intervene now? Some of you may be able to relate to my struggle; some of you may not. Whatever you decide, this is my story and welcome to my world.
My name is Taliyah Russo and I’m a junior in high school. In my neighborhood, girls’ holding onto their virginity is very rare but it’s a status that I am able to maintain. Talking about sex nauseates me. Thank God health class is my last period. At the end of school the hallways are always overcrowded. Student bodies can’t wait to break out of this place called kid jail. Me, on the other hand, I kind of enjoy it. School gives me the freedom to flex my intelligence. I pretty much keep to myself, with my head buried in a book.
My school’s population predominantly consists of African Americans and Hispanics, with a sprinkle of Caucasians. I’m one of a rare breed. I’m a combination of Irish, African American and Italian--this is what separates me from my classmates. My dark brown eyes blend perfectly with my almond-tan complexion. I know nothing about hair weaves because my hair flows to the lower part of my back, jet-black and thick enough to pass for Nigerian. On my sixteenth birthday my body matured to the physique of a grown woman. I’m very curvaceous: My breasts are a nice, full, perky size C cup and my ass can be seen poking through anything I wear. Being mixed definitely has its perks. I’m proud of what God gave me; most women have plastic surgery to look as good as I do.
There are a few guys that notice the development of my body and they try to hook up with me, but none of them intrigue me enough to give up my goodies. Females hate me because my mixed ethnicity creates something that they wish they could be. Dealing with major trust issues, I have a hard time making friends. Somehow one girl and I ended up befriending each other: Ava a.k.a. Blabbermouth. My spicy little Latino friend, nothing like Jennifer Lopez, Ava is more like Rosie Perez. Her skin is pale and she wears tons of makeup.
The frame of Ava’s body is so perfect she could get away with wearing practically anything. Loving the attention guys give her, she sleeps with anyone who compliments her. I stopped counting after the seventh or eighth guy. We often speak about her crazy sexcapades and how guys treat her like crap after sleeping with her. I love Ava and all, but I’ll never fully understand why she continuously keeps hurting herself.
Every day after school Ava waits for me by my locker, ready to fill my ears with the latest gossip and rumors. I find her stories very entertaining but there are times when I really don’t care for hearing about other people and their drama. I have my own share of problems to deal with. At the age of nine I became a daydreamer. My mind would drift off, back to good stories my mom shared with me from time to time. There weren’t many, but I would use them to bury my deepest, darkest secret that I hold inside.
On this particular day, walking home from school, I watch the younger kids get off their school bus and run into their parents’ arms. Seeing smiles on their faces, I reminisce back to the story my mom told me of the day I was born.
My parents have a great marriage. I’m my father’s first child but not my mother’s. I have a brother that’s three years older than me. My mom said that a man always wants his first born to be a boy, but not my pops. He wanted a beautiful girl so he could spoil her and turn his baby girl into a little princess. When the doctor pulled my seven-pound, bigheaded, slimy, blood-covered body out of my mother’s vagina and said, “It’s a girl,” my pops was ecstatic and overwhelmed with joy.
“I want to name her,” he said.
My mother couldn’t help but chuckle. “What name do you have in mind?”
With a furrowed brow she lifted her head. “No Antonio, that name sounds horrible.”
“Then what should we name our beautiful baby girl?” he asked, squinting his eyes.
“Taliyah,” she answered, turning her head to look at the doctor, who had just finished cleaning me up.
The doctor stood in front of both my parents holding me wrapped tightly in a warm blanket. “Who wants to hold her first?”
“I do,” my father replied, extending his welcoming arms. Looking down at me, his eyes held a certain glow. Leaning in to kiss my forehead he said, “She has gorgeous eyes and she’s beautiful, just like her mother. Our little angel Taliyah.”

What exciting story are you working on next?
Right now I’m currently working on the sequel for Heart of Kings. Also I am working with a new author, helping her write her first novel. I have my hands in a little of everything building my empire one brick at a time.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?
From the time I picked up a pen I became a writer but I didn’t realize my full potential until I published my first book.

Do you write full-time? If so, what's your workday like? If not, what do you do other than write and how do you find time to write?
I would love to be able to write full time, I write as often as possible. I take mini vacations away from my everyday life to get most of my writing done. When I am not writing I am helping other people with their projects or brushing up on my editing skills.

What would you say is your interesting writing quirk?
I love watching movies and listening to different music when I write, it helps me get through my writers block. Also sometimes I like to act out certain things that I would like to see my characters do.

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I have always had a passion for writing. What I really wanted to do was write movies. Over the years I found myself writing a bunch of short stories. It wasn’t until I met Damon Diddit, an independent television and film producer and director who read my work and told me I should take one of my shorts and turn it into a novel.

Anything additional you want to share with the readers?

As a survivor and an advocate for Heart Disease treatment and research I can say: NEVER GIVE UP! When you read Heart of Kings you will see why it is so important to never give up no matter what problems you are faced with in life. My motto is to take The Good, The Bad and The Ugly and make it work!

Social media links: 

Thank you, Fanchon! Happy writing!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Book blast and book giveaway for Christian fiction novel God Has Spoken by Theresa A. Campbell

Theresa is giving away Two (2) autograph copies of God Has Spoken 
 One (1) $25.00 Amazon Gift Card. 
Enter contest below.
Author: Theresa A. Campbell
Book Title: God Has Spoken
Genre: Christian Fiction
Paperback: 288 pages Publisher: Urban Books (November 25, 2014)
ISBN-10: 1601626819 ISBN-13: 978-1601626813

HOW HARD IS IT TO FORGIVE? After finding the biological mother who abandoned her as a baby, learning the identity of her birth father and her biological brother, Dupree is left distraught and betrayed. Like a volcano about to erupt, she vows to have nothing to do with her newly discovered family--so help her God! However, if Dupree's mother, Tiny, has anything to say about it, Dupree won't be able to keep that vow. How does a former teenaged runaway become a wealthy, sophisticated business executive? Tiny's quest for happiness and independence in Kingston, Jamaica, has taken her on a life-altering journey through hell. After a vicious attack and a serious sickness that leaves her fighting for her life in the hospital, Tiny prays for death . . . but then God speaks. Will she listen to His voice? What exactly is He saying?

Mama Pearl tiptoed slowly toward the old cars, her steps hesitant but determined. The first few cars she looked into were empty. She continued toward the back when a bad odor filled her nose. With her face twisted up, Mama Pearl took deep breaths as she continued walking. A scream lodged in her throat as she approached the last car. “Oh, dear Lord,” Mama Pearl whispered in shock. Two pieces of sticks, resembling legs, were hanging out the opened back door. Her heart slamming against her chest, Mama Pearl walked closer and saw the scrawny, young girl shaking uncontrollably in the backseat. She smelled like rotten garbage. Tears filled Mama Pearl’s eyes. Mama Pearl tiptoed slowly toward the old cars, her steps hesitant but determined. The first few cars she looked into were empty. She continued toward the back when a bad odor filled her nose. With her face twisted up, Mama Pearl took deep breaths as she continued walking. A scream lodged in her throat as she approached the last car. “Oh, dear Lord,” Mama Pearl whispered in shock. Two pieces of sticks, resembling legs, were hanging out the opened back door. Her heart slamming against her chest, Mama Pearl walked closer and saw the scrawny, young girl shaking uncontrollably in the backseat. She smelled like rotten garbage. Tears filled Mama Pearl’s eyes. Mama Pearl quickly rested the box in her hand on top of the car and leaned inside to look at the young girl. Suddenly, two pair of red, haunted eyes stared up at her, piercing her soul. “Help me,” the weak voice begged a little above a whisper. Mama Pearl gasped loudly and pulled her head out of the car. She cushioned her weak body against the car as her jelly feet felt as if they were about to crumble. “Lord, dear Lord,” Mama Pearl muttered. “Dear Lord, dear Lord.” Mama Pearl was not a stranger to the homeless people scattered all over Kingston. She was a long-standing viewer of the poverty that hit so many Jamaicans and only seemed to get worse, day by day. Her heart bled as she turned and stared at the sick child again. She looked as if she was a minute away from death’s door. Tiny rambled some gibberish and moaned in agony as sharp needles pricked her all over her ice-cold body. Her teeth chattered, and her eyes rolled around listlessly in her head.

Theresa A. Campbell is the author of the captivating novels, "Are You There, God?" and "God Has Spoken." She was born and raised in Jamaica West Indies. She received her bachelor's degree in business administration from Baruch College, and a master's degree in business administration from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Theresa has had a deep passion for reading since she was a child. It is her desire to inspire readers by writing stories from the heart to uplift their faith in God.

Connect with the author:



Author is giving away Two (2) autograph copies of God Has Spoken and One (1) $25.00 Amazon 
Gift Card. Three winners will be randomly chosen.
Contest ends: January 2, 11:59 pm, 2014
Open: Internationally

Terms and Conditions: NO PURCHASE NECESSARY TO ENTER OR WIN. VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. A winner will be randomly drawn through the Rafflecopter widget and will be contacted by email within 48 hours after the giveaway ends. The winner will then have 72 hours to respond. If the winner does not respond within 72 hours, a new draw will take place for a new winner. Odds of winning will vary depending on the number of eligible entries received. This contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook. This giveaway is sponsored by the author Theresa A. Campbell and is hosted and managed by Paulette from Write Now Literary Book Tours. If you have any additional questions – feel free to send an email to Paulette @

Monday, December 22, 2014

Book tour and giveaway for interracial Christian romance novel Unbound Hearts by Michelle Lindo-Rice

Author is offering Two $10.00 Amazon Gift Cards Giveaway
Two Winners will be randomly chosen via rafflecopter

Contest ends: December 24, 11:59 pm, 2014

Open: Internationally

Genre: Interracial Christian Romance
Author: Michelle Lindo-Rice
Unbound Hearts (Able to Love Book 2)

Would you hire the person responsible for your losing both your legs? Before he lost both his limbs, Jasper Orion was on his way to being voted Most Valuable Player in the National Football League. A man of faith, his faith in God remains unshaken and he starts his own business. With God’s leading Jasper decides to hire Charmaine Evans, the woman responsible for his demise. But, unexpectedly, Jasper develops feelings for his newest employee. He longs to hold her in his arms. Wheelchair bound, will Jasper’s love for Charmaine motivate him to walk again? A backslidden Christian, Charmaine Evans’ ambitions left her broke, unemployed and a social pariah. Guilt-ridden, she returned home to Port Charlotte, FL to lick her wounds. To Charmaine’s surprise, Jasper not only offers her forgiveness but also a job when no one else would. Charmaine marvels at Jasper’s faith while grappling with her own. Bound by her past, will Charmaine learn to accept God’s plan for her heart and her life?

Michelle Lindo-Rice enjoys crafting women's fiction with themes centered around the four "F" words: Faith, Friendship, Family and Forgiveness. Her first published work, Sing A New Song, was a Black Expressions featured selection. Originally from Jamaica West Indies, Michelle Lindo-Rice calls herself a lifelong learner. She has earned degrees from New York University, SUNY at Stony Brook, and Teachers College, Columbia University. When she moved to Florida, she enrolled in Argosy University where she completed her Education Specialist degree in Education Leadership. A pastor's kid, Michelle upholds the faith, preaching, teaching and ministering through praise and worship. Feel free to connect with her at You can read her testimony, learn about her books, PLEASE join her mailing list, or read a sample chapter at

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Tour Hosted by WNL Book Tours

Prize: Two $10.00 Amazon Gift Card for Two winners
Contest ends: December 24, 11:59 pm, 2014
Open: Internationally

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